Tipton: BLM, like Forest Service, Attempting to Take Private Water Rights

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WASHINGTON – During today’s House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation hearing on Threats, Intimidation and Bullying by Federal Land Managing Agencies, witnesses told Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has also attempted to hijack privately held water rights.

Rep. Gosar Rallies Thousands to Fight For Jobs

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) spoke at the American Energy Jobs Rally on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, where thousands of people from across the country gathered in defense of the mining industry. Miners, plant workers and concerned citizens came to Washington to show support for coal and opposition to President Obama’s radical agenda. After the rally, Rep. Gosar issued the following statement:

Tipton Raises Concerns with EPA's Disregard for Rural Input

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WASHINGTON–Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) is urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to solicit input from stakeholders in rural communities that will suffer the greatest impact from the Administration’s proposed job-killing regulations on power plants.

House-Passed Water Development Bill Includes Noem's Flood Communication Provision

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The U.S. House of Representatives today approved legislation that requires the Army Corps of Engineers to establish procedures to better communicate with the public when there is a high risk of flooding on bodies of water it manages, including the Missouri River. The provision, taken from legislation authored by Rep. Kristi Noem, was included in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act.

Critical Water Resources Legislation Passes House Simpson Cosponsored Amendment on Aquatic Invasive Species Included in final bill

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted last night for H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013. H.R. 3080 authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to carry out its mission to develop, maintain, and support the Nation’s vital port and waterways infrastructure needs, and support effective and targeted flood protection and environmental restoration needs.

Rep. Young Votes to Move Water Infrastructure Reform Legislation Forward

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Alaskan Congressman Don Young today voted in support of H.R. 3080, a bipartisan bill to ensure the viability of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works programs including navigation, flood risk management, recreation, and infrastructure and environmental restoration. The bill passed the House by a vote of 417 to 3.

Weber: House Passes Water Resources Reform Development Act

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Washington, D.C. – Late this evening, the House of Representatives voted on the Water Resources Reform Development Act (WRRDA). The legislation passed by a vote of 417 to 3. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Friendswood) made the following statement:

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