No American Land for Communist China

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This piece was originally published in the Federal Newswire. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the United States’ greatest adversary, and we are currently engaged in a strategic competition. Unfortunately, from education to real estate and beyond, the CCP has sought to undermine our institutions and gain an upper hand in this competition. To head off this threat, one of the most…

The Attack on America's Energy Production Must Stop

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This piece was originally published in The Dickinson Press. For three and a half years now, the Biden Administration has been at war with American energy production as a political handout to their environmental base. This has threatened our energy security and has caused energy costs for Americans to skyrocket. These anti-energy policies have adverse consequences for rural communities…

Strengthening Kern County Industries

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This piece was originally published in the Bakersfield Californian. Kern County is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, and the seventh largest oil-producing county in the nation. Thanks to a little help from nature and a whole lot of hard work, Kern County quite literally feeds and fuels the nation, and much of the world. While those of us who call the…

Kiley's Corner: Western Caucus to Visit Beautiful Lake Tahoe

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This piece was originally published in the Mountain Democrat. Lake Tahoe has been a national treasure for over two centuries. For over 50 years presidents, governors, senators and representatives from both parties have worked in a bipartisan manner to protect the natural beauty and wonder of the lake.  The Congressional Western Caucus is a bipartisan group of more than 100…

The SEC Moves to Regulate the Future of Farming

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This piece was originally published in the Washington Examiner. America’s farmers and ranchers work best when the government lets them do their jobs without unnecessary interference. Unfortunately, over the years, federal agencies have seized on new opportunities to regulate them. Since President Joe Biden has been in office, these agencies have been…

Celebrating National Agriculture Day

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This piece was originally published in Agri-Pulse. America's farmers and ranchers are the backbone of our country. On National Agriculture Day, we are thankful for our farmers in Georgia, Washington, and everywhere in between. Agriculture is a part of every aspect of American life. From the food on our kitchen tables to the clothes we wear and the values we hold, this industry is…

Why Do We Let China Buy So Much American Farmland?

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This piece was originally published in Newsweek. The Chinese Communist Party has launched a multi-tiered campaign to acquire critical assets within the United States, collect new data on American citizens, and influence our institutions. Part of this campaign involves purchasing American farmland, often near sensitive military sites, thereby putting our supply chains, food security,…

Advocating for Rural America Means Advocating for a Secure Border

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This piece was originally published in the Herald Review. As the crisis on our southern border rages on with no end in sight, communities in Southern Arizona and across border states are struggling with the consequences. This week, members of the Congressional Western Caucus, a group of U.S. representatives dedicated to advocating for rural and western communities, are visiting the…

Failed Biden Proposal Would Have Allowed Our Enemies To Control Our Land Use

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This piece was originally published in The Hill. Who thinks it would be a good idea to give China, Russia or Iran the authority to block energy, food and mineral production on United States land? No one in their right mind, that’s for sure, but naturally the Biden administration tried. Fortunately, they failed, but this is a cautionary tale of why we must constantly remain…

Fighting Biden Administration Overreach: the Most Effective Voices for Rural America in Congress

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This piece was originally published in the Washington Times. Thirty years after its inception, the Congressional Western Caucus is working harder than ever for rural America. In the past three decades, we have grown from our humble beginnings to a bicameral caucus of more than 100 members of the House and 20 senators. Our mission of serving the interests of farmers, ranchers,…

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