Enhancing the Livestock Indemnity Program to Protect the Panhandle Cattle Industry

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Branded Blog - Ronny Jackson 7.2.24

Enhancing the Livestock Indemnity Program to Protect the Panhandle Cattle Industry By Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX-13) Earlier this year, over 1.3 million acres were burned in the Texas Panhandle by the largest wildfire ever recorded in the State’s history. When the fires first broke out, my office and I worked diligently with the Texas Department of Emergency Management, fire…

Hydropower is Key to an All-of-the-Above Energy Future

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Tags: Energy

Hydropower is Key to an All-of-the-Above Energy Future  By Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05)  Energy prices continue to skyrocket due to the Biden administration’s war on American energy production and jobs. Families are paying more on every drive to school or trip to the grocery store. Since his first day in office, President Biden has been clear that American energy…

Our Energy Future: Hydrogen

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Tags: Energy

Our Energy Future: Hydrogen By Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)  As we celebrate National Clean Energy Week, it is important to remember that all Americans need sources of inexpensive, secure, and reliable sources of energy for a healthy and prosperous economy – especially as global energy demand is expected to increase 50% by 2050. Hydrogen can be produced here in the United States and…

Geothermal: The Future Ahead

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Tags: Energy

Geothermal: The Future Ahead By Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-01)  America's energy future is exciting as new technologies enhance the possibilities in the hydropower, nuclear, and geothermal space. In particular, geothermal energy has an optimistic arena to bring reliable, clean energy to Americans nationwide. As many Idahoans already know, geothermal is a proven technology with a…

Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential

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Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential By Rep. Bill Johnson (OH-06)  Earlier this year, I introduced the “Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential Act,” legislation that would help preserve the future of American energy, protect American energy jobs, lower energy costs, advance our global diplomatic leverage, and strengthen our national security. As I said about this legislation…

Beach Mouse Takes A Bite Out of Alabama’s Growth

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Carl ESA

Beach Mouse Takes A Bite Out of Alabama’s Growth By Congressman Jerry Carl (AL-01) Oftentimes, the federal government identifies a problem, implements a solution, but fails to consider the long-term costs and impact that its decision may have. These unintended consequences can create massive headaches, cost people tons of money, and be difficult to undo. I have seen this time and…

Putting The American People Ahead of Violent Predators

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Boebert ESA

Putting The American People Ahead of Violent Predators By Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO-03) The devastation farmers and ranchers face due to wolf attacks is unthinkable. The filtered images circulated through the media of innocent wolf pups does not paint the entire picture—the reality is, wolf attacks are gruesome. The countless letters I have received from families, farmers, and…

The Great Struggle Over the Lesser Prairie-Chicken

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Estes - ESA

The great struggle over the lesser prairie-chicken By Congressman Ron Estes (KS-04) If you want to know what ruffles the feathers of an intrusive federal government, meet the humble lesser prairie-chicken. There’s been great debate in Washington about this bird, which finds its home more than 1,000 miles from the D.C. swamp in Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. At issue…

BRANDED: Growing America’s Future After Fifty Years of ESA

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Flood - ESA

Growing America’s Future After Fifty Years of ESA By Congressman Mike Flood (NE-01) December of this year will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For most Americans, this anniversary may come and go unnoticed. Some may see a social media post in passing and others may come across a snippet of a cable news special highlighting stories of wildlife that have…

BRANDED: The Biden War on American Energy – The Process is the Punishment

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Hageman - Permitting Month

The Biden War on American Energy – The Process is the Punishment By Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (WY-AL) Joe Biden and his administration are waging a large-scale and aggressive assault on American Energy.  Our federal government has gone to war on extraction, development, transport, and use of anything related to fossil fuels – and it’s a war being fought on multiple fronts.…

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