Chairman Schweikert Introduces Legislation to End EPA's Use of Secret Science

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Washington D.C. - Members of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology today joined withHouse Environment Subcommittee Chairman David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) to introduce the Secret Science Reform Act of 2014 (H.R. 4012), a bill to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from proposing regulations based upon science that is not transparent or not reproducible.

Pearce Votes To Protect Americans' Access To Public Lands

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Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted for H.R. 2954, the Public Access and Lands Improvement Act. The bill is a package of ten public lands bills that protect public land access and streamline federal regulations.

House Passes Labrador Plan to Reduce Grazing Permit Wait Times & Curb Frivolous Lawsuits on Grazing Decisions

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WASHINGTON, D.C. –A bill introduced by Raúl Labrador (R-ID), the Grazing Improvement Act,was incorporated into H.R. 2954, a bill the House passed today. The Grazing Improvement Actwould extend Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service livestock grazing permits from 10 years to 20 years to give producers adequate longevity and production stability. The House also passed an amendment Rep. Labrador introduced today to discourage frivolous legal challenges to federal land management grazing decisions. These additions to H.R. 2954 are a big win for Idaho’s agricultural community.

McClintock: Rim Fire Emergency Salvage Act approved by House

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WASHINGTON D.C. - The Rim Fire Emergency Salvage Act by Congressman McClintock was approved today by the House of Representatives as part of a larger bill, H.R. 2954 (The Public Access and Lands Improvement Act). Title IX of that bill comprises the Rim Fire Salvage Act.

Rep. Gosar Votes to Give the Public Access to Their Lands

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) voted in favor of the Public Access and Lands Improvement Act (H.R.2954), a package of 10 bills aimed at increasing and preserving public access to federal lands, facilitating responsible economic development and encouraging transparent land management. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 220-194.

House Again Passes Jones' Bill to Restore Cape Hatteras Beach Access

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives voted to approve Congressman Walter B. Jones’ (NC-3) proposal to repeal excessive restrictions on human access to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area. The provision would repeal regulations implemented by a 2012 National Park Service rule and a 2008 court-approved Consent Decree and instead require that visitor access and species protection be governed by the Park Service’s 2007 Interim Management Strategy. The Interim Management Strategy was supported by a 113-page Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which found that it would not jeopardize piping plover, sea turtles, or other species of concern.

Cramer: Legislation To Reduce Red Tape For Ranchers Passed By House

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced legislation he cosponsored to improve the permitting process for livestock grazing on public lands has passed the House of Representatives. The Grazing Improvement Act, included in a combined lands bill, will grant greater economic certainty to ranchers and landowners by extending the longevity of grazing permits and decreasing the wait period for permit renewals.

Bishop- Bill to Create Online Directory for Unused Public Lands Passes House

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WASHINGTON D.C. — The House of Representatives today passed 10 bills that improve the way our public lands are managed and accessed. Included in the bipartisan package of bills was the Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act [H.R. 2095], authored by Chairman of the House Natural Resources Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Subcommittee Rob Bishop (UT-01).

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