Western Caucus Members Laud David Bernhardt’s Nomination to Interior

Today, Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul A. Gosar D.D.S. (AZ-04), Executive Vice-Chairman Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03), Chairman Emeritus Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) and Western Caucus members Rep. David Valadao (CA-21) and Rep. Mike Coffman (CO-06) issued the following statements in reaction to President Trump's intent to nominate David Bernhardt as Deputy Secretary of the Interior:

Chairman Gosar said, “David is no stranger to the Department of the Interior. A man of impeccable character, he is one of the brightest minds I know. David knows Western issues and the challenges facing the Department.  He is eminently qualified for the position and will be an outstanding Deputy Secretary of the Interior. I am looking forward to continuing to work with him closely following his confirmation.”

Congressman Tipton remarked, “David Bernhardt is an excellent choice for Deputy Secretary of the Interior, and it will be great to see a native of the Third Congressional District of Colorado representing the voices of the West in Washington.”

Congressman Pearce said, “With David Bernhardt in place at the Department of the Interior, I am confident the Agency will be able to efficiently and effectively achieve the President’s promises to responsibly manage our nation’s ample resources and promoting priorities of Western states. My office had the honor of working with Mr. Bernhardt during his senior positions under President George W. Bush as Solicitor of the Department of the Interior.  It is my hope that the Senate will move swiftly to confirm him.”

Congressman Valadao said, “David Bernhardt is a dedicated public servant with the knowledge and expertise to effectively serve as Deputy Secretary of the Interior. I look forward to working with him and this Administration moving forward.”

Congressman Coffman remarked, “As a dedicated and knowledgeable public servant, David is a good choice for Deputy Secretary of the Interior. As a Coloradan, I feel confident he understands issues facing the western states and will also bring his expertise and professionalism in helping lead the Department of Interior.”


(Courtesy of the White House)

Mr. Bernhardt is a native of Rifle, Colorado. He is an avid hunter and fisherman. He recently served on the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries for the Commonwealth of Virginia. He has previously served as the United States Commissioner to the International Boundary Commission, U.S. and Canada. From 2001 and 2009, he held several positions within the Department of the Interior, including, after unanimous confirmation, serving as Solicitor, which is the Interior’s third ranking official and chief legal officer. Currently, Mr. Bernhardt chairs the natural resource law practice at Brownstein, Hyatt Farber and Schreck, LLP. Mr. Bernhardt earned a B.A. from the University of Northern Colorado. He graduated with honors from the George Washington University National Law Center and is admitted to various state and federal court bars. He is married to Gena Bernhardt. They have two children, and reside in Arlington, Virginia.


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