President Trump's Energy Infrastructure Orders Provide Certainty and Foster Economic Growth

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of the Western Caucus applauded the signing of two executive orders by President Trump that reduces the regulatory of pipeline construction and energy infrastructure.

For Immediate Release

Date: April 10, 2019

Contact: Emilio Navarrete;

President Trump Energy Infrastructure Orders to Provide Certainty and Foster Economic Growth

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of the Western Caucus applauded the signing of two energy infrastructure executive orders by President Trump today that will improve permitting processes, increase regulatory certainty and promote job creation:

Senate Western Caucus Chairman Steve Daines (MT): "The President’s orders today will help grow good paying Montana jobs and keep our energy portfolio strong. Today’s orders will help overcome political obstruction from Governor Inslee and help clear the path for the Millennium Bulk Terminal. They will also strengthen the president’s action to permit the Keystone XL Pipeline. These are both big wins for Montana."

Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04):  "Once again, President Trump hit the nail on the head! These energy infrastructure executive orders will improve outdated permitting processes, increase regulatory certainty and foster an environment for economic growth and job creation. Making clear that the President has the final says on Presidential Permits will ensure we don't have unnecessary delays like we have seen with the Keystone Pipeline. Rogue states shouldn't have the ability to block interstate commerce and prevent energy from going to the homes of people that need it. Today's actions by President Trump will fix a processes that have been broken for far too long." 

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman John Barrasso (WY): "I applaud President Trump taking action to stop states from hijacking the Clean Water Act. Washington state and east coast states have used this authority to slow down important energy projects. The president’s executive order compliments the legislation I introduced yesterday with several other Republican Senators. The water quality certification process is designed to protect America’s water, not advance liberal political agendas. I will continue to work with the Trump administration on this critical shared priority."

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Lisa Murkowski (AK): "I appreciate the president’s strong commitment to the improvement and modernization of our nation’s energy infrastructure. We need fewer delays, greater predictability in our permitting process, and better coordination among government stakeholders to ensure needed projects can become reality. These orders will help us to accomplish those goals so that we can create jobs, especially for skilled labor, strengthen economic growth, and provide affordable and reliable energy for American families and businesses."

House Natural Resources Committee Republican Leader Rob Bishop (UT-01): "Providing reliable and cost effective transportation of energy resources is needed to improve our country’s energy security. President Trump has taken a stand for a thriving energy sector by issuing two Executive Orders that will provide necessary changes to regulatory barriers and streamline the permitting process. With this step, the Trump administration continues to advance our country with an energy sector that fosters economic growth, leads to better jobs and affordable, reliable energy."

Vice-Chairman for Indian Affairs and Oceans Don Young (AK-At Large): "After eight years of anti-energy policies from the last Administration, I am pleased to see President Trump once again taking steps to return America’s energy dominance. Alaskans are both good environmental stewards and responsible energy developers. I have fought for decades for policies to empower my constituents to develop their lands as they see fit. I greatly appreciate that the President is committed to rolling back burdensome regulations that stifle energy development and therefore harm economic growth. These energy infrastructure Executive Orders help create a road map for a booming energy sector and a robust economy, and I applaud President Trump’s leadership today."
Chief Rules Officer Dan Newhouse (WA-04): "President Trump is taking action to keep the United States on the path to energy dominance using an all-of-the-above approach. Infrastructure improvements and regulatory clarification are necessary in order to ensure energy is reliable and affordable for American families."

Senator Jim Inhofe (OK): "President Trump’s executive orders confirm what we know in Oklahoma—that responsible production of coal, oil and gas will fuel the economy and provide affordable energy for American families to cook their meals and heat their homes. These executive orders will modernize and adapt outdated agency regulations and guidance to today’s standards and technologies, making it easier to get energy infrastructure projects off the ground. I am especially pleased that the executive order enacts my proposed reforms to the water quality certification process to stop activist state governments from blocking projects they deem politically unsavory for reasons that have nothing to do with water quality."
Senator Mike Enzi (WY): "It is a welcome change to see the federal government taking steps to help encourage American energy development instead of looking for more ways to throw up red tape to block it. I appreciate that President Trump is looking to tear down or clarify unnecessary regulations that discourage healthy energy development that helps create jobs and strengthens our energy exports. Projects like the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Washington would provide a boost not only for Wyoming’s coal mines, but for America’s economy as a whole."

Senator Kevin Cramer (ND): "We cannot let America’s energy revolution fall victim to political stunts and unnecessary regulatory barriers. These executive orders help prevent projects from being pointlessly delayed and highlight the need for improving our nation’s energy infrastructure. I support the President’s efforts to effectively and efficiently utilize all of our natural resources."

House Science, Space and Technology Committee Ranking Republican Frank Lucas (OK-03): "For 8 strenuous years, regulation has constricted American industries. From red tape to permits, industries throughout the United States has been stifled even though the promises of their healthy production were almost all but guaranteed. Today, I applaud President Trump’s Executive Orders cutting regulation and spurring economic development correlating with the construction of oil and gas pipelines. Just as the United States has seen an uptick in oil and gas production so has Oklahoma. In November of 2016, production of crude oil in Oklahoma settled at only 11,724  thousand barrels. Nearly 2 years later, that number has dramatically increased to 17,406 thousand barrels. It’s because of the deregulation efforts of the Trump Administration that Oklahoma, and the United States, is firing on all cylinders producing and ensuring a more reliable and affordable energy for our growing nation."
Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-01): "Pipelines are a major part of the American economy, especially in Arkansas. I support the Trump Administration's efforts to remove burdensome regulations that stifle the economy and limit access to affordable, dependable sources of oil and gas."

Rep. Greg Gianforte (MT-At Large): "President Trump’s executive orders promise to further unleash America’s energy potential and make our country more energy dominant. While some politicians have tried to exploit federal regulations to pick winners and losers in energy, President Trump is cleaning up the regulations to end those unfair, unconstitutional practices. I look forward to the Millennium Bulk Terminal proceeding so we can responsibly develop our energy resources, trade them with our allies, and keep good-paying mining jobs in Montana."

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02): "Liberal states like Washington and New York have obstructed American’s energy resources for long enough. Today, New York relies on energy imports from Russia instead of building a pipeline to transport American fuel from Pennsylvania. Washington State is holding landlocked states like Oklahoma hostage to their liberal politics, and not allowing natural resources to be exported from their ports. These types of policies are backwards and frankly a national security issue. The United States must remain energy dominant and President Trump’s action will help the entire country access clean and reliable fuel without having to rely on imports from our adversaries. The President’s action today means more high paying jobs, lower electric bills, and greater energy security." 

Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22): "As America’s global energy dominance continues to grow, we must ensure we have the infrastructure and laws in place to support the expansion of American Liquid Freedom. I was proud to stand with President Trump in Houston, the epicenter for energy production, as he signed these executive orders today. Streamlining the permitting and transportation of American energy will ensure we continue to grow as an energy super power by supporting current and future energy projects."


Today, President Trump issued two energy infrastructure Executive Orders (EOs) entitled, "Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth" and "Issuance of Permits with Respect to Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings at the International Boundaries of the United States."

The first EO deals with energy infrastructure and the second EO deals with cross-border infrastructure. 
Click HERE to view text of the energy infrastructure EO.
Click HERE to view text of the cross-border infrastructure EO. 
America is producing a lot of energy, despite price fluctuations, but many states do not have the infrastructure to transport these products. Part of the reason is because industry continues to struggle with getting permits, particularly between states and across international borders. Misguided actions blocking construction of pipelines in the entire state of New York by the liberal Democratic Governor have strangled the Northeast and forced states like Massachusetts to import liquefied natural gas from Russia due to our inability to get pipelines to people trying to heat their homes. Members of the Western Caucus support expeditious approval of energy and infrastructure permits in order to ensure reliable and affordable energy supplies that are good for the environment.

Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth Executive Order: 
  • The EO emphasizes the need for energy infrastructure reform to allow the U.S. to maximize responsible production and use of its abundant coal, oil and gas resources.
  • The EO ensures Section 401 of the Clean Water Act will be implemented consistent with the intent of Congress. A key focus of this EO includes direction to EPA to issue clarifying guidance within 60 days on states’ authority under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. This clarification is necessary as this authority has been abused by some states to block important energy infrastructure projects like the Millennium Bulk Terminal and natural gas pipelines in the northeast.
  • The EO directs the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration to modernize its Part 193 regulations to include modern technologies and best industry practices.
  • The EO also directs the Secretary of Transportation to issue a rule in relation to liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to ensure pipeline safety and to authorize movement of LNG by rail. This update is necessary as outdated regulations prevent LNG transport by rail tank cars.
  • The EO requires two reports on energy use and exports—one pertaining to energy exports from the West Coast (coal, oil, natural gas and other domestic energy sources) and another addressing the shortage of natural gas in New England due to insufficient pipelines.
  • The EO facilitates coordination amongst the Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to address expired rights of way in order to conduct vegetation management, allow facility maintenance and help prevent catastrophic wildfire.
  • The EO addresses barriers to financing for new energy infrastructure.
Issuance of Permits with Respect to Facilities and Land Transportation Crossings at the International Boundaries of the United States Executive Order: 
  • The EO ensures we won’t experience the same issues and unnecessary delays for Presidential Permits like we experienced with the Keystone Pipeline and strengthens the President’s authority for Presidential Permits in relation to cross-border pipelines.
  • The EO makes clear that any decision to issue or deny a permit is solely up to the President.
Courtesy of the White House

"When it comes to the future of America’s energy needs, we will find it, we will dream it, and we will build it." – President Donald J. Trump
DEVELOPING ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE: President Trump is signing two Executive Orders to streamline Federal processes surrounding energy infrastructure development. 
  • The President is signing an Executive Order to address regional and local energy supply constraints and to promote an efficient energy market.
    • The Environmental Protection Agency will review and update the outdated guidance regarding certification under section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
    • The Department of Transportation will update its regulations to reflect the modern Liquefied Natural Gas development ongoing in the United States.
    • The Executive Order addresses regulatory and permitting barriers to financing new energy infrastructure and prioritizes the safe operation of existing infrastructure on Federal lands.
  • President Trump is also signing an Executive Order to improve the process for issuing Presidential permits for certain cross-border infrastructure projects.
    • The Executive Order clarifies that any decision to issue or deny a permit shall be made solely by the President.
    • The Secretary of State will continue to receive permit applications and provide advice to the President on whether a project would serve United States foreign policy interests.
UNLEASHING AMERICAN ENERGY: President Trump is promoting an efficient domestic energy market that creates jobs and provides affordable, reliable energy to consumers. 
  • The President’s Executive Orders will strengthen America’s energy security by improving our ability to efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively transport energy resources.
    • Inefficient energy infrastructure forces Americans to depend on energy that is more expensive and less reliable.
  • Improving permitting processes and increasing regulatory certainty will support American ingenuity and create more jobs for American workers.
    • Outdated and burdensome Federal guidance and regulations cause confusion and uncertainty, leading to project delays, lost jobs, and reduced economic performance.
  • A more efficient cross-border permitting process is good for the American economy.
    • Important cross-border projects will generate significant State and local tax revenues that can be invested into American communities.
ACHIEVING ENERGY DOMINANCE: President Trump is committed to responsibly developing our Nation’s abundant resources and advancing American energy dominance. 
  • The Trump Administration has taken action to unleash America’s incredible energy resources.
  • President Trump approved the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.
  • The President enacted legislation opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration and development for the first time.
  • President Trump has worked tirelessly to end the war on coal, and, thanks to his efforts, coal exports increased by 60 percent during his first year in office.
  • The President is working to replace burdensome regulations that target America’s energy producers—like the Obama Administration’s Waters of the United States rulemaking.
Additional Senate Western Caucus Info
On October 4, 2018, Senators Barrasso, Daines, Inhofe, Capito, and Enzi sent a letter to Andrew Wheeler, Environmental Protection Agency Acting Administrator, regarding implementation of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. In the letter, the senators asked Wheeler to provide implementation direction to federal agencies regarding Section 401, in light of recent abuses by certain states.

Just yesterday, several Senate Western Caucus Members introduced legislation to clarify this authority in statute. A House companion is forthcoming.



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