Newhouse, Cuellar Host Bipartisan Forum to Highlight Importance of Domestic Oil & Gas Development

"Promoting American Energy Independence: Developing the Lonestar State"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX-28) hosted a bipartisan forum titled, “Promoting American Energy Independence: Developing the Lonestar State,” to highlight the benefits and importance of oil and gas development in Texas.
The forum featured three panelists who spoke on the critical nature of continuing to support innovative American energy development and the impacts the Biden Administration’s misguided anti-oil and gas actions have had on rural communities in Texas:

  • Stephanie Moreno, Executive Director, South Texas Energy & Economic Roundtable (STEER)
  • Silver Vazquez, Principal, Quatro Strategics Solutions
  • Adrian Lopez, CEO, Workforce Solutions Alamo

“In 2019, the U.S. led the world in oil and natural gas production, with Texas leading the charge,” said Chairman Newhouse. “These revenues are critical for local schools, businesses, infrastructure, and other critical services throughout Texas. And nowhere is it more apparent that cutting these revenues – by throttling our oil and gas industry – have a severe impact on low-income and rural communities. I appreciate Rep. Cuellar engaging on this critical issue, and it is my hope that we can continue to highlight the bipartisan importance of promoting American energy independence and responsible domestic energy development.”
“In Texas, we are number one in the country when it comes to oil and gas,” said Rep. Cuellar. “There are a lot of good-paying jobs in Texas that are created by the industry. It’s not only the jobs created or the money that is put into the economy, but I see the amount of funding that comes to the state government, including to our public schools. We are going to see a transition from oil and gas to energy alternatives, but it’s not going to happen tomorrow. It’s been my pleasure to serve with Congressman Newhouse, and I appreciate that we can work together on these issues.”
“As a former county judge, I witnessed firsthand the struggles rural communities have in bringing doctors, jobs, and opportunities to small communities with limited resources,” said Moreno. “The oil and natural gas industry not only impacts a number of jobs in these rural communities, but the investments made by the industry fund economic development organizations, hospital districts, walking trails, and festivals. It allows rural communities to compete with larger cities in providing the quality of life families deserve.”
“This is in an industry that’s been in South Texas for generations,” said Vasquez. “One thing we’ve been trying to do is really showcase the impact that oil and gas has on your everyday life. Whether its driving my car, checking my cell phone, buying groceries, supply chain, manufacturing – oil and gas touches us across the board. I love that Texas is a leader in energy. I’m very proud to be a part of the oil and gas industry, and I’m very proud of the money that we generate that impacts scholarship and education and hospitals. We’re doing everything we can to be in lockstep to push not only the Texas economy forward but the U.S. economy as well.”
“In my own personal experience growing up in Texas, just south of San Antonio, and seeing oil and gas industry literally transform a community overnight – from being probably one of the poorest school districts in the state to actually one of the richest – there’s no other industry that could have that level of transformation,” said Lopez. “In many of these small communities, [the oil and gas industry] made the difference between driving on the dirt road or driving on a paved road and being able to turn on your faucet and have clean water come out because those local taxes and the money that’s generated goes to necessary infrastructure. We’re happy to work hand in hand with industry leaders like Stephanie and Silver and others who bring a true commitment to economic development and economic vitality to our communities. “

Click here to watch the forum.

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