Western Caucus & HEAT Members Team Up to Lambast Reckless FERC Policy

New unprecedented FERC policy will prevent U.S. natural gas infrastructure development, weaken American energy security

Washington, February 18, 2022 | Elizabeth Daniels (202-280-8720)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Members of the Congressional Western Caucus and House Energy Action Team (HEAT) issued the following statements after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued new guidance that will hinder and prevent the permitting of new interstate natural gas and liquified natural gas infrastructure:
“FERC's misguided and unprecedented guidance is yet another extension of the Biden Administration’s failed energy agenda. Instead of recognizing the need for affordable, safe, and reliable domestic energy development, the Commission has decided to prioritize an unnecessarily political agenda. These priorities will only delay much-needed current and future projects, disadvantage communities who rely on natural gas infrastructure, and lead to continued rising energy costs across the country,” said Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). “We should be strengthening our energy independence by supporting natural gas infrastructure in the United States – not increasing red tape while encouraging energy production in foreign countries like Russia. Rural communities recognize that this Administration is failing to provide the energy security we need, and we will continue to hold them accountable.”
“Once again, the Biden Administration sided with radical extremists to raise energy prices on American families and further erode our nation’s energy security in the name of their radical climate agenda. FERC’s new policy statement, which rests on shaky legal grounds and clearly goes beyond the authority and role that Congress gave it, will ensure that energy infrastructure will continue to be delayed and bogged down by costly red tape,” said House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (LA-01), HEAT Co-Chair. “For months now, dozens, if not hundreds, of natural gas pipeline applications have languished in front of this same Commission, contributing to record increases in energy costs for hard-working American families. President Biden’s denial of access to abundant, clean American natural gas has further emboldened Russia and other dictatorships because the United States and our allies around the world are more reliant on unfriendly nations for our energy. Eliminating access to American natural gas is bad for the environment, will kill American jobs, and disproportionately hurts lower income families.”
“FERC’s policy misstep will send the United States further into an energy crisis at a time when families are paying more for energy than ever and our nation needs a strengthened energy infrastructure more than ever,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03), HEAT Co-Chair. “This decision is yet another play into Putin’s hands as the Biden Administration continues to undercut our own energy production and security. This policy is misguided, at best, and will inhibit domestic energy production, make it more difficult to permit energy infrastructure, hurt American families, and put American interests last. The United States is the world’s largest natural gas producer, and it’s time to unleash American energy production to strengthen our national security and the security of our allies while giving hardworking Americans some relief at the gas pump.”
 “There is never a good time to stifle American energy; especially not now,” said Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02), HEAT Co-Chair. “While we are watching the politicization of pipelines play out in Russia as we speak, the Commission should be working to implement policies that support natural gas infrastructure here at home. Tearing apart homegrown, natural power is not only detrimental to the American energy industry, but also puts our national security at unbelievable risk.”
“An energy-independent nation is an economically strong and powerful nation,” said Vice Chair Doug LaMalfa (CA-01). “We need to reverse these disastrous new guidelines and pursue a full domestic oil production policy, including new pipelines. Our national security and ability to ensure Russia and the middle east cannot leverage our European allies is dependent on America’s ability to reliably produce and export energy.”
 “For those of you that have been begging for more red tape, more lawyers, more litigation, and more expensive prices at the pump and energy bills, your prayers have been answered,” said Vice Chair Garret Graves (LA-06). “The White House must be ecstatic about this decision. When the United States is the world’s largest natural gas producer with plenty of supply, any effort to limit exports to our allies is not the answer – this is just stupidity that will surely be endorsed by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. This Administration is fumbling yet another international diplomatic moment with their handling of Ukraine and supporting Europe’s dependence on volatile Russian energy supplies controlled by Vladimir Putin. If other countries begin to curtail their energy production and trade to protect their best interests, this major misstep will do nothing but add more global uncertainty and further drive up the cost of energy – while increasing global emissions. Decisions like these support our dependence on foreign energy sources – with no rationale. This Administration continues to make irresponsible policy decisions, and then pretends to be shocked when it leads to an energy crisis at home and abroad.”
“At a time when energy prices are skyrocketing, President Biden’s appointees are making it harder for Americans to access natural gas,” said Vice Chair Pete Stauber (MN-08). “This is just yet another example of what happens when unelected bureaucrats have too much power. Instead of punishing American energy, FERC should make it easier for Americans to access affordable natural gas supplies, especially in the middle of a brutal Minnesota winter.”

“The Biden regime continues to put America’s energy needs last and FERC’s updated pipeline Certificate Policy Statement instead panders to radical environmentalists," said Vice Chair Lauren Boebert (CO-03). "These new mandates will greatly diminish our ability to expand natural gas and liquified natural gas infrastructure, and will further increase energy prices. At a time of rampant inflation and high gas prices, the Biden regime continues to put its foot on the throat of the American consumer and play politics. We should be increasing production and pursuing policies that increase American energy dominance, not making it tougher to responsibly produce energy in America.”

“The Biden administration has been waging a war on American energy from the very beginning. They have consistently worked to cripple domestic production while simultaneously begging foreign governments to increase supplies,” said Rep. Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL). “The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s new policy doubles down on putting our country’s interests last, and will make it even harder to build critical infrastructure needed to provide reliable and affordable energy for North Dakotans and all Americans.”
 “This is another example of how President Biden’s obsession with the Left and their crazy climate agenda is effectively surrendering America’s energy independence and economic dominance to Russia and China,” said Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19). “Europe already let the climate alarmist take them down this ruinous road and now their people are paying a steep price.  America leads the world in greenhouse gas reductions, but Biden’s radical climate agenda will only cede fossil production to the biggest polluters while weakening America’s ability to defend freedom around the world.”
“It is time to end this war against American energy,” said Rep. Michael Burgess (TX-26). “Since day one, the Biden Administration has taken every action it can to take away America’s energy independence. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s policy update for permitting new interstate natural gas and liquid natural gas infrastructure is just the latest attack on our energy producers who produce cleaner energy than OPEC or Russia. This rule has the potential to lead to the Administration once again asking OPEC to produce more. We should not have to rely on foreign producers for our energy.”
“Now is the wrong time to discourage American energy production while Kansans are paying more to fill up their vehicles and heat their homes,” said Rep. Ron Estes (KS-04). “For a little more than a year, bad policies have taken us from energy independence to energy dependence, and hardworking families and small businesses will continue to suffer if this unprecedented, incompetent guidance moves forward.”
 “This announcement is yet another example of the Biden Administration making US energy production increasingly difficult— while they continue to show support for Russia’s Nord Stream II Pipeline,” said Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-01). “President Biden’s determination to make the US dependent on our adversaries is dangerous and must be avoided.”
 “The Biden administration is continuing its war on the oil and gas industry,” said Rep. Clay Higgins (LA-03). “American energy dominance requires robust energy infrastructure, and pipelines are the safest method of transporting energy product. Blocking those projects through FERC threatens natural gas supplies and will further increase energy costs for American families.”
“I’m disappointed but not surprised that the Biden Administration’ FERC continues to slow down domestic energy production and disincentivize new infrastructure and essential innovation," said Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-50). "This is a signature failing of this White House — and my colleagues and I will work to see it reversed."
 “President Joe Biden has sought to dismantle our domestic energy infrastructure since his first day in office,” said Rep. Fred Keller (PA-12). “This administration’s shortsighted policies have sent gas prices skyrocketing, and Biden’s latest action will hamper the development of new natural gas pipelines—further limiting American energy development, independence, and security at a time when the United States should be producing and exporting energy to our allies.”

“FERC’s decision to revoke the longstanding, bipartisan policy for the review of natural gas pipelines and LNG export facilities and replace it with a radical climate agenda will make it harder to build America’s energy infrastructure," said Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05). "Instead of flipping the switch and saying yes to affordable American energy, this decision is another example of Democrats weakening our national security and emboldening our adversary, Russia. This reckless partisan action is also FERC stepping away from its core mission to ensure Americans have reliable and affordable energy, especially at a time when energy costs are at record highs. Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans will continue to fulfill our oversight role of FERC to ensure it is not abandoning its primary responsibilities or exceeding its statutory authority.” 

“Our regulatory process is already too complicated, and these excessive regulatory hurdles disincentivize domestic infrastructure projects and hamper our ability to create jobs," said Rep. Blake Moore (UT-01). "I’m concerned this new proposal will take us in the wrong direction at a time when we desperately need to look for ways to expand our economy.”

“California already suffers from some of the highest energy prices in the nation as a result of overregulation. FERC’s new guidance will help bring California’s bad policies to the nation and weaken our energy infrastructure while increasing prices at a time when Americans are already suffering from skyrocketing inflation,” said Rep. Jay Obernolte (CA-08).
“At a time when our nation needs more natural gas infrastructure, the Democrat Commissioners at FERC are pushing their radical Green New Deal agenda. Natural gas is critical to our nation’s prosperity. This administration should be promoting American natural gas rather than hamstringing the industry at every turn,” said Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11).
“As the American people face historic inflation and Democrats attempt to paper over the problem with gimmicks like gas tax holidays, it is disconcerting to see FERC raising new barriers to hard infrastructure investments which would strengthen our economy and enhance our energy independence,” said Rep. Adrian Smith (NE-03). “This decision is another example of how the Biden administration has turned a blind eye to the needs of American families to push its out-of-touch agenda.”
“Burdensome government regulations and failed policies are increasing energy costs for families in the Central Valley and across the country,” said Rep. David Valadao (CA-21). “FERC’s unprecedented new guidance will undermine America’s energy security at a time when we should be working to strengthen domestic energy production – not weaken it. We need to cut the red tape and allow the U.S. to once again become energy independent.”
 “The decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission continues the reckless anti-energy policies of this Administration,” said Rep. Stephanie Bice (OK-05). “With the ongoing foreign crisis in Ukraine, American energy independence is more vital than ever. We should not be adding additional burdens and roadblocks that delay building new energy infrastructure.”
“Americans are feeling historic pain at the pump directly attributable to Biden’s failed energy policies.  Instead of unleashing American innovation, creating jobs, and lowering prices at the pump, this Administration keeps throwing up burdensome bureaucratic barriers like the ones issued today.  These new rules will only further halt domestic energy production and prolong pain for consumers,” said Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12).  “Enough is enough!  The catastrophic path Biden has set us on must be reversed!”
"This is more of the dangerous Green New Deal agenda that will block American energy infrastructure, drive prices higher and surrender America's energy independence to foreign countries,” said Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-08).“Wouldn't it be great if President Biden put American interests ahead of Russia and the Middle East?"
“The FERC’s new guidance is a grave mistake that could have lasting consequences, not only for our energy producers but for the people that rely on them. Simply put, this new policy will raise the cost to heat your home and fill your gas tank. It will not make our energy industry safer, but it will make life harder on American families,” said Rep. John Joyce (PA-13).
"As energy prices continue to rise, President Biden and his Administration remain committed to sidelining American energy producers and keeping Kansans from having increased access to affordable and reliable natural gas," said Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS-02). "The new policy update by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will make it even more difficult to grow our energy infrastructure and become an energy independent nation once again.”
 “Once again, President Biden has prioritized his far-left agenda over ensuring that Americans have access to affordable and reliable energy,” said Rep. David McKinley (WV-01).  “At a time when Americans are facing skyrocketing energy costs at home and our allies are facing uncertainty about energy security abroad, we should be maximizing our energy production, not throwing up roadblocks.  The addition of arbitrary and expansive new climate standards to FERC’s certificate policy statement will not only make the permitting process even more complex and uncertain, but also restrict Americans’ access to affordable U.S. natural gas and oil at a time when they need it the most.”
 “This action by the Biden Administration is the latest example of their disastrous, anti-American energy policy,” said Rep. Carol Miller (WV-03).“FERC’s new policy will hinder America’s ability to move our energy resources around the world, and embolden bad actors in the process. It is long overdue for President Biden to make American energy a priority. Energy security is national security.”
 “Hoosiers and hardworking Americans across the country rely on critical energy infrastructure for every part of their life — from heating their homes to getting to work,” said Rep. Greg Pence (IN-06). “Instead of strengthening and preserving our American energy independence, FERC Democrat Commissioners and President Biden continue to play political games by enacting left-wing activist policies that will make the energy crisis our constituents are already facing exponentially more difficult.”
“FERC’s guidance to delay and prevent new natural gas pipeline projects is just the latest attack in President Biden’s war on American energy, and it is families and senior citizens in Pennsylvania and throughout the country who will pay the price,” said Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14). “Thanks to Democrats’ radical Green New Deal agenda, Pennsylvanians are already paying as much as 50% more to heat their homes this winter. As Americans continue to suffer under Biden’s disastrous economic policies and our nation faces security threats from Russia and China, we should take advantage of our vast natural gas resources, including Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale. We should not handcuff domestic energy producers and destroy the good-paying, family-sustaining jobs they support.”
“FERC’s decision to incorporate climate change and environmental justice considerations into its approval process will only further hamstring our ability to build the natural gas infrastructure critical to ensuring reliability, decreasing consumer costs, and securing American energy independence,” said Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21). “Strategically, this move could not come at a worse time. American LNG is crucial to countering Russia’s weaponization of energy exports to Europe. Unfortunately, the Biden administration has once again decided to hand more power to Vladimir Putin at the expense of the American people’s security and prosperity.
 “It is disappointing to see the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission join the extreme chorus of those who want to play politics with America’s energy security,” said Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-07). “These repeated efforts to restrict pipelines and the supply of affordable energy will only drive up prices for consumers even higher. The President and his party need to stop undermining our nation’s energy infrastructure.”

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