Congressman Mullin Pleased with Supreme Court Decision on Oklahoma Water Rights

High court affirms Oklahoma’s water laws

WASHINGTON – Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision today siding with Oklahoma’s water laws.

Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision today siding with Oklahoma’s water laws.

“This is great news for Oklahoma’s water rights,” said Mullin. “Oklahoma’s water should be kept in Oklahoma for our economic development, agricultural uses and recreation.  Given the drought we have experienced, we must protect our water supply.”

The Supreme Court’s decision today upholds lower court rulings in favor of Oklahoma’s right to protect the state’s natural resources.

The Tarrant Regional Water District, which serves 11 counties in fast-growing north-central Texas, unsuccessfully tried buying water from Oklahoma and others and then sought a water resource permit from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to take water from Oklahoma.  When the request was denied due to Oklahoma state laws, the district sued based on its interpretation of the Red River Compact.

Other Oklahoma state legislators voiced their approval of today’s Supreme Court decision.

“This has been a long battle,” said Oklahoma State Senator Jerry Ellis of Valliant. “Hopefully today’s decision will bring some closure on this issue.  We look forward to continuing our work on water issues here in Oklahoma.”

“This is a hard won victory for Oklahomans as the compact was never meant to be interpreted to allow Texas to secure their allocation by disregarding our state boundaries,” said State Senator Josh Brecheen of Coalgate.  “This decision affirms that and consequently injects confidence in relation to other state compacts.”


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