Bishop: Sierra Club Claims to be "100% Certain" that the President Will Designate a New National Monument in Utah

WASHINGTON– On June 11, 2013 the Sierra Club held an event in Moab, Utah to promote the establishment of a new national monument known as Greater Canyonlands. The Sierra Club’s executive director Michael Brune stated before an audience in Moab that he is “100% certain” that a monument would be created unilaterally by President Obama through his use of the Antiquities Act.

On June 11, 2013 the Sierra Club held an event in Moab, Utah to promote the establishment of a new national monument known as Greater Canyonlands. The Sierra Club’s executive director Michael Brune stated before an audience in Moab that he is “100% certain” that a monument would be created unilaterally by President Obama through his use of the Antiquities Act.  
Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01), who has launched a new Public Lands Initiative in eastern Utah that focuses on land use through a collaborative process, announced his disappointment with Michael Brune’s statements.

“A diverse group of stakeholders has come together to work toward finding solutions for ongoing public land policies that have stymied progress for decades.  These conversations have been overwhelmingly positive and have the potential to provide new conservation areas as well as opportunities for new economic development.  This process, which is being driven at the local level, is ongoing and requires continued cooperation amongst all participants.   Mr. Brune’s statement that a unilateral monument designation is the ‘the best and most politically viable way’ undermines the collaborate effort and to suggest that he is ‘100%’ certain a new national monument will be designated in Utah is further harmful to the process. Fortunately, the Utah Public Lands Initiative is bigger than just one Washington, D.C. politico and while Mr. Brune may continue to lobby for a unilateral policy out of Washington, the rest of us will continue to work together along with Utah communities to build consensus around new and responsible land policies. Any other approach ignores the diverse interests of the many different land-users,”said Congressman Bishop.  

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