Gardner Statement on President's Energy and Climate Change Speech

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Cory Gardner (CO-04) released the following statement on the President’s speech about energy:

Congressman Cory Gardner (CO-04) released the following statement on the President’s speech about energy: 

“We all care about clean air and reducing pollution, which is why the President should work more closely with Congress to find common ground on these issues.  If the President is serious about the development of a global market for natural gas then I hope he will in turn support Republicans in Congress who have lobbied for more LNG exports from the United States to other nations.  So far his administration has been a roadblock on this front.

“It is encouraging to hear President Obama talk about promoting energy efficiency, since I have been working with members on both sides of the aisle on this issue.  I look forward to having the White House join our effort to better utilize performance contracting to upgrade the 3 billion square feet of building space that is owned and operated by the federal government. 

“That being said, there are parts of the President’s plan that do raise cause for concern.  He wants to impose strict regulations on U.S. power plants without any regard for the job losses and skyrocketing utility costs that would ensue.  The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers, and that is something I will not be able to support.”


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