Pearce Votes for American Jobs, Energy Stability

Washington, DC (June 28, 2013) – This week, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted in favor of two bills, which provide for the expansion of offshore energy production by opening the areas with the greatest known reserves and requiring the Administration to submit new lease plans for development.

Washington, DC (June 28, 2013) – This week, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted in favor of two bills, which provide for the expansion of offshore energy production by opening the areas with the greatest known reserves and requiring the Administration to submit new lease plans for development.

“With Americans facing high unemployment and rising energy prices, I’m proud to support legislation that will provide good jobs, reduced energy costs for all Americans and reliable energy sources for the future,” said Pearce.  “The Offshore Energy and Jobs Act, which passed today, is estimated to provide 1.2 million jobs, one and a half billion dollars in new government revenue, while making available billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas.  In short, these bills provide exactly what America needs: jobs, reliable energy, and real economic growth.  It is time to put America back to work and back on track to a strong energy future.   

Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 1613, the Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act, which allows further oil and natural gas development in the Gulf of Mexico.  Additionally, earlier this week, Congressman Pearce voiced strong opposition to the President’s plans to unilaterally implement new regulations that would cost American energy jobs and drive prices still higher.

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