House Approves Noem Amendment to Direct Additional Funding to Projects Like Lewis & Clark

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. House today approved an amendment offered by Representative Kristi Noem to provide $25 million in additional funding for rural water projects like the Lewis & Clark water system.

 The U.S. House today approved an amendment offered by Representative Kristi Noem to provide $25 million in additional funding for rural water projects like the Lewis & Clark water system.

The amendment, approved during consideration of the Energy and Water Development appropriations bill, does not increase spending in the legislation because it redirects money from other portions of the bill to be spent on water projects.

“This additional funding will be a big boost for rural water projects like Lewis & Clark,” said Rep. Noem. “The federal government needs to be a better partner when it comes to projects like Lewis & Clark. Communities in South Dakota have paid their share of the funding for this project and the federal government needs to follow through on its funding commitment.”

The Noem amendment shifts $30 million from the Department of Energy’s administrative expenses and solar energy programs to provide for an additional $25 million towards the Bureau of Reclamation’s Rural Water Projects. The remaining $5 million is directed toward deficit reduction.

Reps. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), King (R-IA), and Pearce (R-NM) joined as cosponsors to Rep. Noem’s amendment.

The House is scheduled to vote on final passage of the appropriations bill tomorrow.

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