Chaffetz: Two Utah Energy Bills Sent to the President to be Signed into Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Representative Jason Chaffetz (UT-3) announced today that two pieces of energy legislation important to Utah are poised to be signed into law by President Obama.

U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Representative Jason Chaffetz (UT-3) announced today that two pieces of energy legislation important to Utah are poised to be signed into law by President Obama.  The South Utah Valley Electric Service District (S.25/H.R.251) and Bonneville Unit Clean Hydropower Facilitation (S.26/H.R. 254) both passed the House and Senate unanimously. Hatch is the sponsor of the Senate version of the bills, and Chaffetz is the sponsor of the House versions.

The Bonneville Unit Clean Hydropower Facilitation Act allows for the development of hydroelectric power on the Diamond Fork system of the Central Utah Water Project (CUP). The South Valley Electric Conveyance Act conveys certain federal features of the electric distribution system to the South Utah Valley Electric Service District. The South Utah Valley Electric Service District has operated and managed these facilities for decades and this bill will give them ownership. 

“These two bills will give Utahns more of a say over the resources and entities affecting our state,” Hatch said. “Allowing CUP to move forward to harness the power it needs and giving the South Utah Valley Electric District ownership of its systems just makes sense, and I’m glad we were able to work together to get these important bills passed by Congress. I hope the President will sign them into law soon.”

“This is a win for federal tax payers, the environment, and energy users. The Bonneville Unit Clean Hydropower Act and South Utah Valley Electric Conveyance Act are vital for securing diverse energy sources to meet the demands of Utah’s growing population. I appreciate working with Senator Hatch to get these bills passed,” said Chaffetz.


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