Hastings Statement on Farm Bill Passage

Washington, D.C., Jul 11 - Congressman Doc Hastings today released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 2642, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013:

Washington, D.C., Jul 11 - Congressman Doc Hastings today released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 2642, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013:

“The House today made clear its commitment to our growers and farmers, while working to bring fiscal sense to the federal government. I’m optimistic that the House and Senate will work in a bipartisan manner to resolve their differences and ensure a Farm Bill is enacted into law, so that we can reduce our national debt while providing certainty to Rural America.”

The bill makes a number of important reforms to save taxpayer dollars, including eliminating direct payments and duplicative programs, while continuing key priorities that help growers and processors in Central Washington remain competitive in an ever-global marketplace. It continues the important investments in agricultural research, specialty crops, pest management, and trade promotion programs that are critical to ensuring that our farmers can continue to compete.


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