Pearce Votes to Save Money, Protect Key Programs

Washington, DC (July 11, 2013) – Late last night, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted for H.R. 2609, the Fiscal Year 2014 Energy and Water Development Bill. This appropriations bill provides key funding for important energy and defense-related projects, while reducing spending by $2.9 billion.

Washington, DC (July 11, 2013) – Late last night, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted for H.R. 2609, the Fiscal Year 2014 Energy and Water Development Bill.  This appropriations bill provides key funding for important energy and defense-related projects, while reducing spending by $2.9 billion.

“Effective government does not have to come with an excessive price tag,” said Pearce.  “We saved money for the American taxpayer while remaining committed to important environmental cleanup projects, energy development, infrastructure maintenance and our national security.  H.R. 2609 responsibly and evenly distributes cuts among various government agencies, and targets wasteful programs that shovel money toward the politically connected. Our national labs and other vital security related initiatives are also protected from major cuts.”

The bill allows for the continuation of nuclear cleanup efforts, and provides key funding for the Department of Energy’s nuclear weapons security programs.  It also invests money in projects to address rising gas prices, and allow job growth through research into reliable energy sources.

In addition, the bill contains an amendment Rep. Pearce cosponsored with Rep. Kristi Noem (SD) that adds $25 million in funding for rural water projects, and still reduces the deficit by $5 million.  The amendment is especially important to western communities like those in southern New Mexico suffering under severe drought conditions.

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