Cramer Statement on U.S. Senate Proceeding Toward Conference with House Farm Bill

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement in response to Senate Agriculture Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow announcing her chamber will immediately begin working toward a conference with the House-passed farm bill. The House sent its version of the farm bill to the Senate earlier today.

 Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement in response to Senate Agriculture Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow announcing her chamber will immediately begin working toward a conference with the House-passed farm bill. The House sent its version of the farm bill to the Senate earlier today. In remarks on the Senate floor shortly after, Stabenow confirmed the Senate will move the bill forward to conference process.

“As I suggested from the beginning, once the House passed the farm bill, the political posturing would come to a close and the healthy negotiation between the two chambers would begin. I am glad to see Chairwoman Stabenow taking a more practical tone, and acknowledging it is time to conference the two bills. I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues during the conference process, making the case to protect many critical aspects of the House version.”

Stabenow markedly changed her tone this afternoon, telling reporters, “This is very positive, because it gives us an opportunity now to sit down in a conference committee and get to work.”

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