Cramer: Vantage Pipeline Approval Grows ND Energy Export Portfolio

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement in response to the approval of the Presidential Permit for the Vantage Pipeline, which will carry liquid ethane from natural gas facilities near Tioga, North Dakota to Alberta, Canada:

 Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement in response to the approval of the Presidential Permit for the Vantage Pipeline, which will carry liquid ethane from natural gas facilities near Tioga, North Dakota to Alberta, Canada:

“This is good news for North Dakota and further demonstrates the richness of Bakken gas and the strong demand for its byproducts including ethane, methane, propane, and butane both domestically and internationally. There is huge potential for North Dakota to leverage its supply of these hydrocarbons, which are key ingredients in the petrochemical industry, to further its position in value-added products like plastics. It is good to see President Obama and the State Department recognizing the value of applying free trade to our vast energy and industrial resources, and we can only hope they will apply this logic to other projects including Keystone XL.”

During his time as a North Dakota Public Service Commissioner, Cramer sited the application for the Vantage Pipeline project at the state level.

The high vapor pressure steel pipeline will stretch 430 miles from Hess Corporation's natural gas processing plant near Tioga to an existing pipeline network near Empress, Alberta, with a flow rate of 40,000 to 60,000 barrels per day. The North Dakota portion of the pipeline will consist of 79.8 miles. On May 13, 2013, the U.S. Department of State issued a Finding of No Significant Impact for the project as part of its Final Environmental Assessment.

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