Bishop Questions Secretary Jewell About Integrity of Federal Sage Grouse Study

WASHINGTON—Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today testified before the House Natural Resources Committee. During the hearing, Public Lands and Environmental Regulation subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) highlighted recently released emails between Department of Interior staff from September-December 2011 that have led to questions about the lack of real scientific data and legal analyses used in the production of BLM’s 2011 “Report on National Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Measures” presented by the Sage-grouse National Technical Team (NTT).

DOI emails cast shadow of doubt on veracity of science 

Jul 17 - Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today testified before the House Natural Resources Committee. During the hearing, Public Lands and Environmental Regulation subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) highlighted recently released emails between Department of Interior staff from September-December 2011 that have led to questions about the lack of real scientific data and legal analyses used in the production of BLM’s 2011 “Report on National Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Measures” presented by the Sage-grouse National Technical Team (NTT).

Click here to view questioning during hearing

“It is clear that the science used to guide new federal policies on sage grouse in the West is questionable at best. It is clear that there is a lack of continuity between science and the Department’s preferred policies. In reviewing the emails I was surprised to see that policies were being developed despite there not being sufficient science illustrating a need. It’s concerning that the DOI does not appear to be seriously considering Utah’s sage grouse management plan when there is clear turmoil on this matter within the Department itself.  States, not the federal government, consistently demonstrate that they are more capable than the federal government of managing and preserving their wildlife and natural resources. I am pleased that Secretary Jewell stated that Utah will be included in the six-month delay of the Gunnison sage grouse decision and I will reiterate my call for a longer term delay in the Department’s rushed Greater sage grouse effort to allow adequate time for the state of Utah’s plan to be implemented,” said Bishop.
In December 2012, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar made a point to defend the administration’s policy on sage grouse stating that:

“The NTT report provides a summary of the best available scientific information for the conservation of sage grouse within the framework of the BLM’s planning process. As such, it is an excellent reference.”

In addition to those highlighted today during today’s hearing by Congressman Bishop, he noted the following excerpts as being additionally concerning.

From: Robin A. Sell

To: Raul Morales

Subject: NTT Science Review

Date: September 16, 2011

“I don’t feel like we really got into the current science out there on sage grouse.

“I would like to propose that the researchers and biologists on NTT- maybe a few other bios if appropriate- meet again the next few months for about 3 days to have a frank discussion on various studies/papers out there… the good, bad, & ugly so to speak. It would not have to hold up the current document we have worked on- the Policy and Regional ID teams can continue to work on their tasks- but a more concentrated and defensible overview of the science would be great justification for the RMP effort and an invaluable tool for more localized NEPA and project/management implementation. It would also help Colorado and Utah with the upcoming Gunnison Sage Grouse listing – we will be referencing the same data sources anyway.”

From: Raul Morales

To: Edwin Roberson

Subject: Draft NTT report

Date: November 07, 2011

“The outside scientists only reviewed the Conservation Measures section of the report and not the Policy recommendations. Our team also only addressed the quick comments made by the science team. Some of the ‘longer’ term comments made by the science team were not addressed and can be discussed by the National Policy Team at some point to determine the need for our conservation measures to address some of the science “shortfalls” brought up by the science team.”

From: Ray Brady

To: BLM employees

Subject: Re: Planning IM and NTT Report

Date: December 20, 2011

“Page 11 makes reference to only a few literature citations that attempt to portray the impacts of rights-of-ways on sage grouse. There really are no studies that have been completed that show this direct correlation…”

From: Jim Perry

To: Raul Morales and Dwight Fielder

Subject: Re: NTT Report and Transmittal Letter

Date: December 22, 2011

“Am I missing something, is it worded poorly, or is this a misapplication of professional judgment and science?”

From: Dwight Fielder

To: Pat Deilbert, Raul Morales and others

Subject: Re: Follow up to Today’s NPT call on the NTT report

Date: December 21, 2011

“But, does the NTT really want to recommend something that is blatantly illegal?”

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