Young: Secretary of Interior Jewell Attends First Hearing Before the House Natural Resources Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Alaskan Congressman Don Young, a senior member of the House Natural Resources Committee, today heard testimony from Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, who testified for the first time after joining the agency in April 2013.

Alaskan Congressman Don Young, a senior member of the House Natural Resources Committee, today heard testimony from Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, who testified for the first time after joining the agency in April 2013.  As the landlord to much of Alaska, Secretary Jewell plays a key role in access to federal lands, and the development and conservation of Alaska’s natural resources.  Today, Rep. Young took the opportunity to ask her about a variety of Alaska specific issues and offer his advice as she begins her service.

Rep. Young encouraged Secretary Jewell to closely examine the recent exploration proposal by Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell for the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).  A longtime advocate for responsible development in ANWR, Rep. Young has successfully passed legislation to open up ANWR 12 times, as recently as 2012, and intends to do so again the 113th Congress.

Regarding the King Cove road access issue currently being reexamined by the Department of Interior, Rep. Young received assurances from Secretary Jewell that she will be traveling out to King Cove in September at the request of Senator Lisa Murkowski to examine for herself the proposed road that would link the rural community of King Cove with a lifesaving airport in Cold Bay. 


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