House Natural Resources Committee Passes Lamborn Bill to Expand Onshore Energy & Create Jobs

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved Congressman Doug Lamborn's (CO-05) bill to expand American onshore energy production and create much-needed jobs. H.R. 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act, is an essential part of the House Republicans’ all-of-the-above energy plan and would remove government hurdles and red-tape that block and delay development of our onshore oil, natural gas, and renewable resources.

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved Congressman Doug Lamborn's (CO-05) bill to expand American onshore energy production and create much-needed jobs. H.R. 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act,  is an essential part of the House Republicans’ all-of-the-above energy plan and would remove government hurdles and red-tape that block and delay development of our onshore oil, natural gas, and renewable resources. 

H.R. 1965passed by a bipartisan vote of 27-14. The measure would reform the leasing process for onshore oil and natural gas projects on federal lands to eliminate unnecessary delays, reform the process for energy permitting, ensure funds are available for efficient wind and solar permitting, and set clear rules for the development of U.S. oil shale resources. 

“In recent years we have seen a boom in energy jobs and economic growth on state and private lands. I believe the only reason we haven’t seen that same dynamic growth on federal lands is because of excess regulations. My bill would reduce the federal red tape and frivolous lawsuits that act as stumbling blocks to job creation and energy development. My bill would help American families with jobs and affordable prices at the pump. It’s time we return to common sense policies that will help struggling Americans dig out of the financial mess that is the Obama Economy,” said Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

H.R. 1965:

  • Supports increased onshore energy production by streamlining the permitting process and eliminating bureaucratic delays.
  • Ensures the timely approval of permits by setting firms timelines for the Interior Secretary to act on a permit to drill.
  • Expands onshore energy production by requiring the Interior Secretary to conduct new lease sales in areas identified with the greatest energy potential, prohibit the Interior Secretary from taking away leases already sold, set firm timelines for the Secretary to issue leases, and prohibit the Secretary from changing the rules after the leases and contracts are finalized.

·         Ensures the timely approval of permits by setting a firm timeline for the Interior Secretary to act on a permit to drill and directs a portion of permit processing fees and rights of way fees to the local office where they were collected in order to ensure the permitting agencies have, personnel, expertise and resources to keep American oil, natural gas , wind and solar production on track by processing permits and leases in a timely fashion.

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