Rep. Terry's Statement in Response to President Obama's Claim that the Keystone XL Pipeline Won't Create Jobs

WASHINGTON – Representative Lee Terry (R-NE), author of legislation in the House of Representatives that would approve the Keystone Pipeline, today made the following statement in reaction to President Obama’s interview with The New York Times in which the president downplayed the potential for the pipeline to create jobs:

Representative Lee Terry (R-NE), author of legislation in the House of Representatives that would approve the Keystone Pipeline, today made the following statement in reaction to President Obama’s interview with The New York Times in which the president downplayed the potential for the pipeline to create jobs:

“The president conveniently chooses to ignore the construction jobs from steel, fabricration, and the rest of the jobs that would be created by our nation of builders if he would just approve the Keystone Pipeline. He also conveniently chooses to ignore the March draft EIS from his own State Department that said Keystone could create upwards of 42,000 jobs.

“As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade, my committee heard from the Obama Administration’s own witness who testified before us that direct foreign investment from companies like TransCanada has dropped sharply in recent years. Down from 45% in 1980s, the world's direct foreign investment in the U.S. is now only 17%.  Just like the President is doing to TransCanada and our nation's number one trading partner, he is telling the world that America is closed for business and we don't want your investments in our country or the jobs they would create".

“With over 1,700 days of delays, the President is insulting Canada by saying that he needs to learn more about the project. What more could he learn after over 15,500 pages of reviews?  In my opinion, the President now has zero credibility when he speaks about infrastructure projects creating jobs.

“What will it take for our president to focus on job creation and not job killing? President Obama needs to spend more time working with Republicans in Congress rather than traveling around the country reciting the environmental left’s talking points and giving speeches that don't hire.”

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