Daines Hydropower Bill Approved By Natural Resources

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Daines’ legislation to expand hydropower production in Montana was today approved by the House Natural Resources Committee. The bill is now set to receive a full vote in the U.S. House of Representatives

 Congressman Steve Daines’ legislation to expand hydropower production in Montana was today approved by the House Natural Resources Committee.  The bill is now set to receive a full vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“This common sense legislation will cut senseless barriers to hydropower development, help create good-paying jobs in our rural communities, and lower energy costs for Montanans,” Daines stated. “Montana’s irrigation districts hold tremendous potential for serving our state’s energy needs. By removing outdated and senseless barriers, we can clear the way for the development of this clean, renewable energy source—all at no cost to the American taxpayer.”

The Bureau of Reclamation Conduit Hydropower Development Equity and Jobs Act removes outdated federal statutes that currently prevent irrigation districts in Montana and other western states from developing hydropower on Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) canals, ditches, and conduits.

There are 12 projects nationwide that would be immediately impacted by Daines’ bill, four of which are in Montana (a map and full list available here).

Additionally, Daines’ bill, in combination with H.R. 678— the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act, which this year passed through the House with overwhelming bipartisan support—could lead to development of at least 32 conduit hydropower sites on BOR conduits in Montana.

Daines noted that a technical amendment to resolve some stakeholders’ concerns was included in the final version of his bill.  The addition is supported by the Midwest Electric Consumers Association, which represents more than 300 rural electric cooperatives, public power districts, and municipal electric utilities in nine states, including Montana. The Midwest Electric Consumers Association serves more than 3 million consumers through purchases of hydropower generated at federal multi-purpose projects in the Missouri River basin under the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program.

Daines’ bill has received strong support and consensus from Montana irrigation districts and ag groups, as well as the Obama administration, which also expressed its support for Daines’ bill during a May 2013 hearing.

Support for Daines’ Legislation

Mike Carlson, Manger of Buffalo Rapids Buffalo Rapids Irrigation Project in Glendive: “I thank Congressman Daines for his leadership on this issue. The Congressman’s bill provides an important opportunity for small irrigation producers to provide clean energy to our communities and receive some support for us to continue and improve our services to our farmers.”

Dan Keppen, Executive Director of the Family Farm Alliance: “If passed, this legislation would complete the policy of promoting the development of clean, renewable hydropower at all Reclamation conduits at no cost to federal taxpayers, while providing additional power supplies to the grid and lowering energy costs for consumers… We support H.R. 1963 and believe it will reduce costs to foster more conduit hydropower at federal facilities and empower local water districts to develop this generation.”

Thomas F. Donnelly, Executive Vice President of the National Water Resources Association: “H.R. 1963 works to comprehensively streamline the hydropower permitting process. H.R. 1963 will create tremendous incentives for not only the Bureau but for the irrigation districts and water user associations that manage many of these facilities to move forward on small hydropower development. We applaud your leadership and strongly support your legislation.”

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