Pearce: "Washington Regulations Should Not Harm our Jobs, Economies"

Washington, DC (August 1, 2013)– Today, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted for H.R. 1582, the Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013. The bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to obtain approval from the Secretary of Energy before issuing rules with an estimated direct and indirect cost of more than $1 billion.

Washington, DC (August 1, 2013)– Today, U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce voted for H.R. 1582, the Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013.  The bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to obtain approval from the Secretary of Energy before issuing rules with an estimated direct and indirect cost of more than $1 billion.

“Reckless and hasty regulations increase energy costs to consumers and threaten jobs” said Pearce.  “Today’s legislation is common sense: the Administration should not be able to implement regulations without any thought for the lost jobs and higher costs to the middle class.  This bill would prevent the Administration from recklessly killing jobs through regulation. I voted today to hold Washington accountable, and to ensure that the needs of New Mexicans come first.  I urge the Senate and the President to join this effort to protect good paying jobs and low energy prices.”

The bill has the strong support of the US Chamber of Commerce and other pro-business organizations.  

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