Tipton Urges U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Keep Leadville Hatchery Open

WASHINGTON—Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to keep the Leadville Fish Hatchery open as the agency finalizes its strategic plan for the National Fish Hatchery System (NFHS). According to the USFWS, the agency is currently deliberating the plan which may affect some hatcheries and NFHS employees around the nation.

Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to keep the Leadville Fish Hatchery open as the agency finalizes its strategic plan for the National Fish Hatchery System (NFHS). According to the USFWS, the agency is currently deliberating the plan which may affect some hatcheries and NFHS employees around the nation.

In a letter to USFWS Director Daniel Ashe sent yesterday, Tipton wrote:

Director Daniel M. Ashe
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Department of the Interior

Dear Director Ashe:

It has come to my attention that sometime in the next few months, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) will publish its strategic plan for the future of the National Fish Hatchery System (NHFS). I am told that based on the review of propagation hatcheries within the NFHS, there will likely be some closures of hatcheries nationwide. 

We all recognize the current fiscal challenges our nation faces, but prudent, economical uses of our resources in viable fish hatchery operations can have significant benefits for our local and national economies as well assist with increasing the supply of fish for our inland waters.

One such example that I believe meets this definition is the Leadville National Fish Hatchery which opened in 1889 and is the second oldest federal hatchery in the nation. The hatchery continues to provide a valuable service for sportsmen and women throughout the country and eggs from this hatchery has even lead to some successes in repopulating fish abroad. Locally, the Leadville Hatchery has certain projects that assist with the recovery of endangered species. Furthermore, the hatchery is an important tourism attraction and visitors are able to learn about “farm fishing” as well as participate in hikes, picnics, snow shoeing and cross-country skiing in the surrounding areas around the hatchery.

As such, I would strongly urge you to keep the Leadville National Fish Hatchery open. 

Thank you for taking time to consider my comments. Moving forward please let me know if you have questions or need any additional information.


Scott Tipton
Member of Congress

The USFWS says that it will publish its strategic plan in the next few months.

“Deliberations within the Service leadership are now occurring that may affect some hatcheries and employees within the NFHS,” said Marla Trollan, Assistant Regional Director, External Affairs USFWS. “As decisions are made we will take every step possible to avoid adverse impacts to employees and stakeholders most affected by them.”

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