Noem Applauds Flood Risk Communication Provisions in House Water Resources Bill

Based On Legislation Noem Introduced Following 2011 Missouri River Flood

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today applauded provisions in the House Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) that would require the Corps of Engineers to establish procedures to better communicate and assist the public and state, local and tribal governments about flood risk on the Missouri River.

 Rep. Kristi Noem today applauded provisions in the House Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) that would require the Corps of Engineers to establish procedures to better communicate and assist the public and state, local and tribal governments about flood risk on the Missouri River.

The provisions are based off legislation Noem introduced in May 2012 in response to the Missouri River flood of 2011. Noem reintroduced the bill in the 113th Congress.

WRRDA was unveiled this week and will be considered by the Transportation Committee on September 19th.

“For many, the flooding of 2011 is a painful memory, while some are still dealing with its aftermath. What I heard from many of those affected and displaced during the flooding was if they had been given better notification on potential flood risk they could have more adequately protected their homes and businesses,” said Rep. Noem. “These provisions are aimed at improving communications from the Corps going forward, God forbid South Dakotans ever experience flooding on that scale again.”

“I would also like to thank House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster for recognizing the need to improve communications from the Corps about flood risk. He visited South Dakota during the height of the flooding in 2011 to see the devastation first hand.”

Chairman Shuster traveled to Pierre, South Dakota in August 2011 at Rep. Noem’s invitation. He participated in a public roundtable alongside then-Chairman John Mica and toured local communities, homes and businesses that had been damaged by the flood.

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