Daines to Testify Before House Committee on Need to Build Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Daines will testify tomorrow before a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing titled “Keystone’s Red Tape Anniversary: Five Years of Bureaucratic Delay and Economic Benefits Denied.”

 Congressman Steve Daines will testify tomorrow before a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing titled “Keystone’s Red Tape Anniversary: Five Years of Bureaucratic Delay and Economic Benefits Denied.”

The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, which marks five years to the day that the original permits to build the Keystone XL pipeline were filed with the U.S. State Department. Daines will speak to the benefits of the pipeline’s construction to Montana’s economy and discuss how the Obama administration’s five-year delay in approving the permit has negatively affected the state.

“It is astounding that after five years, we’re still waiting for President Obama to approve the construction of the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline,” Daines stated.“This is a prime example of what’s wrong with Washington. It took Canada only seven months to approve this pipeline— President Obama and Washington bureaucrats have taken five years, and we still don’t have an answer. Montanans are tired of the gridlock and ready for this pipeline to be approved.”

The hearing will begin at 8:15AM MST/10:15AM EST in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building and will be live streamed on the Committee’s website.  Video of Daines’ testimony will also be available following the hearing.

Daines written testimony, as prepared, is available here

More information about tomorrow’s hearing and a complete witness list is available here.

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