Cramer Statement on Fifth Anniversary of Keystone XL Application

 Today Congressman Kevin Cramer released the following statement on the fifth anniversary of TransCanada Corporation submitting its first application for the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, which has yet to be approved by President Obama. In the coming days, the House of Representatives intends to pass legislation making Presidential approval of Keystone XL a condition of raising the national debt limit.

“It is shameful the President is letting this project languish on his desk while the national unemployment rate remains unacceptably high. The House passed a serious bill in May which put the Senate and the President on notice. The time is now for the Senate to either take up our bill, or echo our resolve during upcoming debt negotiations. President Obama must come to the table and either approve Keystone XL, or explain to potential employees why they are not getting a job.”

The Northern Route Approval Act, cosponsored by Cramer and passed by the House of Representatives in May, would allow construction to move forward without the President’s signature. It has yet to be considered in the U.S. Senate.

Congressman Cramer is a member of the Natural Resources and Science, Space and Technology Committees, including the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Subcommittee on Energy of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

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