Daines on Keystone: Why Are We Still Waiting?

 On the Keystone XL pipeline’s five-year “Red Tape Anniversary,” Congressman Steve Daines testified before a House Energy and Commerce Committee and left members with one question: “Why are we still waiting?”

Daines was among four members of Congress testifying at today’s hearing on “Keystone’s Red Tape Anniversary: Five Years of Bureaucratic Delay and Economic Benefits Denied.”  Today marks five years to the day that the original permits to build the Keystone XL pipeline were filed with the U.S. State Department.

“These days in Washington, it’s hard to find many measures Republicans and Democrats agree on. The Keystone Pipeline’s bipartisan support should be telling,” Daines stated.“This is common sense. Montanans support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and are ready to move. Why are we still waiting?”

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Daines spoke to the benefits of the pipeline’s construction to Montana’s economy and shared how the Obama administration’s five-year delay in approving the permit has negatively affected the state. Daines also shared how construction of the pipeline will help keep energy costs low for Montana families.

“The Keystone pipeline also means cheaper energy costs for Montana families, seniors, and small businesses,” Daines noted.“NorVal, an electric cooperative in northeastern Montana, will supply power for one the of pipeline’s pump stations. If Keystone is built, they estimate that they can keep their consumer’s electric rates steady for the next ten years. However, if the pipeline is not approved, rates for consumers will increase by 40 percent. That’s potentially an increase of about $480 dollars per year for the average household in Montana.”

“As the pipeline passes through, more than 800 good-paying jobs in Montana will be created and thousands more across the nation. This economic development will mean better schools, stronger infrastructure throughout our state,” Daines added. “And of the oil moved each day, 100,000 barrels will come from my part of the world—the Bakken formation, which spreads across Montana and North Dakota.”

Daines full written testimony, as prepared, is available here.  More information about today’s hearing and a complete witness list is available here.

Daines also submitted to the record four letters from Montana groups supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Letters from Phillips County, the Montana Petroleum Association, the Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation and the Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association are available here.

Daines has been a vocal proponent of the Keystone XL pipeline and has been spearheading efforts in the House to approve the pipeline’s construction.  In late January, Daines led a group of 150 House members in calling on President Barack Obama to approve the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline in light of Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman’s approval of a new route through the state of Nebraska.

Daines also helped introduce the “Northern Route Approval Act,” a bill that would allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, bypassing the need for President Obama’s approval.

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