Congressman Markwayne Mullin: It's Been Five Years Waiting on Keystone. Enough is Enough!

Today Congressman Markwayne Mullin marked the five year anniversary of when TransCanada first applied for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“It’s been five years,” said Mullin. “This administration talks about job creation, but they are letting Americans sit by for years and wait for this President’s political agenda to play out. I am pretty sure the workers would like to see the political games stop so they can get to work. Enough is enough!”

Despite years of review, the Obama Administration continues to delay and block the permit for the northern leg of the privately funded infrastructure project which crosses the border from Canada into the United States. Earlier this year, Mullin voted for H.R. 3, the Northern Route Approval Act, to end the delays and allow the project to move forward.

“Aside from good jobs that Americans deserve, this project will also reduce our energy dependency on countries that don’t have our nation’s best interests at heart,” said Mullin.

This week the nation also marks the 1,000th day in a row that the price at the pump has been over $3 per gallon.

The southern leg of the project started construction on August 6, 2012. It will be completed by the end of this year, Mullin said. A portion of the southern leg passes through the 2nd District of Oklahoma and Mullin toured pipeline construction near Caddo earlier this year.

“Direct construction jobs of the southern leg result in about 3,000 jobs for the pipeline and another roughly 1,000 jobs for pump stations and other fixed facilities,” Mullin added. “The communities along the southern leg’s construction certainly feel the economic impact of its construction.”

To hear the Congressman’s remarks on the House floor regarding Keystone, visit

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