Daines Forest Management Reform Bill Passes House

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives today passed Congressman Steve Daines’ bill to revitalize Montana’s timber industry and clear the way for active and responsible forest management in Montana. Daines’ bill, the Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act, now heads to the U.S. Senate for consideration.

 The U.S. House of Representatives today passed Congressman Steve Daines’ bill to revitalize Montana’s timber industry and clear the way for active and responsible forest management in Montana.  Daines’ bill, the Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act, now heads to the U.S. Senate for consideration.

“Today’s passage of the Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act is a major step in the right direction as we work toward common sense forest management reforms that protect our forests and help create good jobs,” Daines stated. “As a fifth generation Montanan, I know how important the responsible management of our National Forests is for the health of our forests and the health of our state’s economy. We’ve seen firsthand the devastating consequences of the mismanagement of our federal forests—from this year’s fire season to rampant pine beetle kill, the health of our forests and the communities that surround them continues to be at risk. My bill has bipartisan support and will create thousands of long-term jobs across Montana, keep all ten of our National Forests in Montana healthy, protect our environment for future generations and renew the federal government’s commitment to our rural counties. It will usher in a new era of robust, responsible forest management that benefits all Montanans who rely on and enjoy our National Forests. I strongly urge the Senate to quickly move forward on this important legislation.”

Daines also successfully included two amendments in the final version of the bill. The first amendment would preclude injunctions on timber sales that are based solely on alleged procedural violations such as paperwork errors. The amendment would allow critical projects to move forward while litigation on the merits of a case is pending.

Additionally, Daines included an amendment to require an annual report specifying for each Forest Reserve Revenue Area the annual volume requirement in effect for that fiscal year, the volume of board feet actually harvested, the average cost of preparation of timber sales, the revenues generated from such sales, and the amount of receipts distributed to each beneficiary county. The amendment would also require that the FS place the report on its website. This amendment would ensure transparency, accountability, and results intended to regenerate our forests are achieved.

The Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act, which Daines joined Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings in introducing in April, works to help revitalize Montana’s timber industry and create thousands of good, long-term jobs, while addressing beetle kill, protecting the environment for future generations and reducing the threat of catastrophic wildfires in Montana. It was approved by the House Natural Resources Committee in July.

The Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act will cut the red tape that has held up responsible forest management and timber production and addresses the expiration of the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) program by renewing the federal government’s commitment to manage forest resources.  It also includes comprehensive reforms to discourage and limit the flood of frivolous appeals and litigation that has long held up the responsible stewardship of our National Forests.

Here’s What They’re Saying About Daines’ Bill

Julia Altemus, Executive Vice President of the Montana Wood Products Association:  “This is a major step forward in the legislative process that will improve forest health and our rural forest economies in Montana and throughout the West. I appreciate Congressman Daines’ hard work and commitment to seeing this legislation through.”

Sherm Anderson, owner and CEO of Sun Mountain Lumber in Deer Lodge: “I am grateful Congressman Daines is willing and committed to improving the health of our forests and the strength of our rural economies. The legislation he has helped to spearhead and strengthen would have real and substantial benefits in Montana’s forests and neighboring communities.  I look forward to continuing to work together as we strive to grow Montana’s timber industry and keep our forests healthy.”

Loren Rose, Chief Operating Officer of Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Inc. in Seeley Lake: “Montana is home to millions of acres of abundant forests, but decades of federal mismanagement have led to overstocked forests, devastating forest fires and insect infestations, diminishing wildlife habitats, and economic instability within our rural counties. Years of litigation and needless red tape have put in place countless barriers that have been detrimental toward the health of our forests and this important industry.  I am thankful that Congressman Daines is leading the way toward real reforms that will help revitalize our state’s woods products industry and ensure that Montana’s forests are properly managed for years to come.”

Chuck Roady, Vice President & General Manager of F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber Company in Columbia Falls: “As the vice president of the oldest family-owned lumber company in Montana, I know firsthand and witness every day the consequences of the lack of management of the federal forests in our state. I am proud Congressman Daines is joining Chairman Hastings in this effort to preserve our great state’s legacy of responsible forest management, production of wood products for our nation, and to ensure our forests can be healthy for future generations. This legislation could be a game-changer for increasing forest jobs while revitalizing our timber counties and communities in Montana, and I certainly hope it becomes law.” 

Ravalli County Commissioner Greg Chilcott: “Representative Daines understand how the federal government has missed the mark in management of forest lands. While much of our forests are suitable for harvesting, we still face community-threatening wildfires each summer and almost 10 percent unemployment in Ravalli County.  There is much that can be done to better manage our forests, create jobs, and protect our communities from wildfires while assuring local governments have resources they need to best serve the public. I am thrilled to hear Congressman Daines’ commitment to Montana.”

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