Lummis Votes for Healthy Forest Management

House Bill PromotesResponsible Stewardship of National Forests

Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis joined a bipartisan majority of her colleagues in passing H.R. 1526, the Restoring Healthy Forest for Healthy Communities Act. The bill rededicates the Forest Service to proactive forest management, gives state and local voices more input, and provides stable timber revenue for rural counties. H.R. 1526’s reforms are designed to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires and infestations like the mountain pine beetle epidemic.

 Today U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis joined a bipartisan majority of her colleagues in passing H.R. 1526, the Restoring Healthy Forest for Healthy Communities Act.  The bill rededicates the Forest Service to proactive forest management, gives state and local voices more input, and provides stable timber revenue for rural counties.  H.R. 1526’s reforms are designed to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires and infestations like the mountain pine beetle epidemic.  

“This act will help save forests in Wyoming and throughout the West through proactive and sustainable management that has been lacking for decades,” said Rep. Lummis.  “There are countless examples of states and tribes effectively managing their own forest lands, and the Forest Service is out of excuses for why it can’t do the same.  Timber production, wildlife protection, water quality, forest health, wildfire prevention, and ensuring county revenues cannot all happen in a vacuum, they are intertwined.  Only a coordinated, well-designed forest management strategy that incorporates state and local voices can meet all those needs.  That is what this bill accomplishes, and I call on the Senate to take it up without delay.”

For more information click here.

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