Lummis: Wyoming Wins with Helium Bill Passage

Helium reauthorization bill restores part of AML money owed to Wyoming and lowers Soda Ash royalties

Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis voted for H.R. 527, the Helium Stewardship Act, and the U.S. House passed it 367-0. The Act, in addition to securing a stable supply of helium, restores $60 million of the money owed to Wyoming by the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Fund and reduces the royalty rate on Soda Ash from 6 percent to 4 percent for the next two years.

Today U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis voted for H.R. 527, the Helium Stewardship Act, and the U.S. House passed it 367-0.  The Act, in addition to securing a stable supply of helium, restores $60 million of the money owed to Wyoming by the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Fund and reduces the royalty rate on Soda Ash from 6 percent to 4 percent for the next two years. 

The helium reauthorization bill ensures a steady supply of helium, tapping the federal helium reserve built up during the Cold War, which will phase out by 2021 while opening helium supply to private markets.  This averts the otherwise impending helium shortage and does so to the benefit of the American taxpayer, with tens of millions of dollars going towards reducing the federal budget deficit.

“$60 million is a good, hard-won victory in our continuing fight to get back from the federal government the money owed to the people of Wyoming,” said Rep. Lummis.  “We have stepped closer to convincing the federal government to fully fulfill the promises they made to the people of Wyoming and did so while ensuring a stable and affordable supply of helium.  Also, the royalty rate relief will provide much needed support to a Wyoming industry that is currently engaged in a pitched battle with Chinese state owned companies that are heavily subsidized.  The entire Wyoming delegation fought hard for this and it is a real win for the people of Wyoming.”

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