Gardner Comments on Farm Bill

Washington, DC - Rep. Cory Gardner (CO-04) issued the following statement today on the farm bill: “With the expiration of the continuing resolution last week, few seem to have noticed that one of the most important bills to rural Colorado also expired last week – the farm bill. While many here in Washington, DC are engaged in political theater, I am extremely concerned that a reform-focused farm bill has not been brought to a conference committee. The damage that was done to farms across Colorado from the floods last month compounds the need for negotiations to pass a farm bill.

Rep. Cory Gardner (CO-04) issued the following statement today on the farm bill:

“With the expiration of the continuing resolution last week, few seem to have noticed that one of the most important bills to rural Colorado also expired last week – the farm bill. While many here in Washington, DC are engaged in political theater, I am extremely concerned that a reform-focused farm bill has not been brought to a conference committee. The damage that was done to farms across Colorado from the floods last month compounds the need for negotiations to pass a farm bill.

“I am committed to farmers and ranchers across Colorado, and will do whatever I can to ensure that those who depend on this bill are not forgotten.”

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