Noem: House to Appoint Farm Bill Conferees

U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem today said she has received an assurance from Speaker of the House John Boehner that he will appoint House conferees within the next week to the House-Senate Farm Bill conference committee. The naming of House conferees will allow formal Farm Bill conference negotiations to begin, bringing the Farm Bill one step closer to completion.

U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem today said she has received an assurance from Speaker of the House John Boehner that he will appoint House conferees within the next week to the House-Senate Farm Bill conference committee. The naming of House conferees will allow formal Farm Bill conference negotiations to begin, bringing the Farm Bill one step closer to completion.

"Both the House and the Senate have passed Farm Bills and it is time to begin conference negotiations and finish our work on a five-year Farm Bill," Noem said.  “I spoke this morning at our weekly Republican meeting and described to my colleagues the devastation in western South Dakota that has resulted from the weekend storm. The lack of a comprehensive Farm Bill leaves all of our producers without the certainty they need.  This is especially true for our livestock producers who are currently without the protection of a livestock disaster program. After further conversations with the Speaker today, I appreciate him confirming that he plans to move forward and appoint conferees within the next week.  We need to move quickly to get a five-year Farm Bill completed."

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Noem has been leading the push for reauthorization of livestock disaster programs. Noem has authored legislation that reauthorizes these programs in the pending Farm Bill which would retroactively cover livestock losses due to disasters such as the recent storm in western South Dakota.

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