Lamborn Charges National Park Service with 'Politicizing' Access to Parks During Shutdown

Sends Letter to Park Service Demanding Answers

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today sent a letter, along with 12 other members of the House Western Caucus,to the director of the U.S. National Park Servicedemanding to know what "specific criteria, if any" the Parks Service uses to determine who is allowed access to our public lands during the government shutdown.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today sent a letter, along with 12 other members of the House Western Caucus,to the director of the U.S. National Park Servicedemanding to know what "specific criteria, if any" the Parks Service uses to determine who is allowed access to our public lands during the government shutdown.

In recent days, the National Park Service has attempted to prevent World War II veterans from visiting the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, while at the same allowing pro-immigration activists to hold a rally on the National Mall.

From the letter to Jonathan Jarvis, director of U.S. National Park Service:

The [National Park Service] has a long-standing tradition of ignoring politics, and ensuring that all Americans may access their treasured landscapes. We applaud this long-established role for the NPS, and hope it will continue in the future.

We write today, however, with great concern that the NPS is violating this non-partisan tradition, and blatantly politicizing who gets access to public facilities during the government shutdown.

Public lands are owned by all the people. They have a right to their continued use. Using taxpayer funded spaces as a means to advance the White House's favored interests, while closing off admission to ordinary Americans not engaged in political activities, is morally reprehensible.

To read the complete letter, click here.

Congressman Lamborn supported a House-passed bill to restore full funding to the National Park Service to reopen all the parks during the government shutdown.

For a full list of mesures the House has passed to keep the government running, click here.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) welcomes World War II Veteran, 97-year old Eugene Morgan of West Memphis, TN to the World War II Memorial on the Naitonal Mall.

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