Denham Appointed to House-Senate Farm Bill Conference

WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) issued the following statement after being appointed to the conference between the House and Senate on the 2013 Farm Bill:

 U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) issued the following statement after being appointed to the conference between the House and Senate on the 2013 Farm Bill:

“I am honored to have been appointed to the Farm Bill Conference Committee. As an almond farmer and representative of California’s Central Valley, where agriculture is one of the primary drivers of the local economy, I know how vital the Farm Bill is to farmers and ranchers, not to mention to the American people who rely on a safe and affordable food supply. The Farm Bill represents significant reforms to long established programs, and I look forward to working with Senate counterparts to produce a final product that will give American growers and producers a competitive and productive global edge while saving taxpayers money.”

Rep. Denham shared his priorities for the Farm Bill going into conference in remarks on the House floor on Thursday, October 10, 2013. His comments can be viewed online here

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