Neugebauer Named Farm Bill Conferee

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) released the following statement after being named to the House-Senate conference committee on the Farm Bill. “I’m honored to serve on this important committee, which is tasked with resolving the differences between the House and Senate Farm Bills. Our farmers and ranchers are being asked to produce more food and fiber than ever before to feed and clothe our country. They put a lot on the line to do that every year, risking droughts, floods, and uncertain markets. Farming is a business, like any other, and our farmers need certainty to make long-term plans—especially if they are going to meet growing global demand. I’m eager to move forward on efficient, market-based policies that support our farmers and ranchers.”

Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) released the following statement after being named to the House-Senate conference committee on the Farm Bill.

“I’m honored to serve on this important committee, which is tasked with resolving the differences between the House and Senate Farm Bills.  Our farmers and ranchers are being asked to produce more food and fiber than ever before to feed and clothe our country.  They put a lot on the line to do that every year, risking droughts, floods, and uncertain markets.  Farming is a business, like any other, and our farmers need certainty to make long-term plans—especially if they are going to meet growing global demand.  I’m eager to move forward on efficient, market-based policies that support our farmers and ranchers.”

Neugebauer was named to the conference committee by House Speaker John Boehner, who released the following statement: “The Farm Bill extension measures passed by the House include much-needed reforms that cut spending and help strengthen our agriculture and food stamp programs.  I’m confident that the negotiating team named today will do an excellent job of ushering these reforms through Congress and to the president’s desk, and I thank each of them for their willingness to serve.”

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas said, "I am pleased to be at this point in the farm bill process where we are about to begin negotiations with our friends in the Senate and put a final bill together. This has been a long and challenging process, but that does not discount the product we have achieved with billions of dollars in savings and reforms, and policy that works for all of agriculture all across the country. There are challenging issues yet to overcome, but we have a solid team of negotiators in place. I am confident we can reach consensus and send a five-year farm bill to the president."

A full list of conferees follows:

House Agriculture Committee conferees:

Leadership conferee:

House Foreign Affairs Committee conferees:

House Ways & Means Committee conferees:

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