Cramer: House Passes Critical Funding For Native American Health, Safety and Education

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer voted with a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a critical funding bill for Native American health, safety, and education programs during the current fiscal impasse. "While some in the Senate are prolonging the shutdown by refusing to fund priorities important to children, seniors, veterans, and Native Americans, the House continues to pass bipartisan bills to fund them. We can't let one political party's refusal to negotiate stand in the way of providing critical services to people on our reservations," said Cramer.

Today Congressman Kevin Cramer voted with a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a critical funding bill for Native American health, safety, and education programs during the current fiscal impasse.

"While some in the Senate are prolonging the shutdown by refusing to fund priorities important to children, seniors, veterans, and Native Americans, the House continues to pass bipartisan bills to fund them. We can't let one political party's refusal to negotiate stand in the way of providing critical services to people on our reservations," said Cramer.

The bill provides immediate funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, and Indian Health Service at the same levels prior to September 30th.

The House of Representatives is passing bipartisan legislation to end the partial government shutdown. To date,seventeen bills have passed with support from both Republicans and Democrats. Taken together, they fund roughly half the federal government. Most have received veto threats from President Obama, and Senate Democrats have blocked them from receiving a vote.

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