Cramer Statement on Farm Bureau Support of House Crop Insurance Approach

WASHINGTON – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement on the American Farm Bureau decision to support the House of Representatives’ approach to crop insurance and conservation compliance:

Today Congressman Kevin Cramer issued the following statement on the American Farm Bureau decision to support the House of Representatives’ approach to crop insurance and conservation compliance:

“North Dakota Farm Bureau has been opposed to linking crop insurance to conservation compliance since day one, and it is assuring to see the national organization following their lead. Farmers are already required to meet conservation standards if they choose to receive assistance through commodity, conservation, or credit programs. American Farm Bureau is rightly concerned about the negative consequences of adding a new layer of red tape to crop insurance. I welcome the decision as a positive sign of momentum as negotiations start in conference committee.”

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Board vote to oppose linking conservation compliance to crop insurance comes after the North Dakota Farm Bureau had opposed the linkage in the early stages of the farm bill. Cramer also helped fend off a farm bill amendment which would have linked the two programs. The Senate farm bill does contain the linkage, setting up a critical negotiation in conference committee.

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