Rep. Gosar Investigates Unnecessary Closure of National Parks

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The House Natural Resources Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, both of which Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) is a member, held a joint hearing today entitled “As Difficult As Possible: The National Park Service’s Implementation of the Government Shutdown”. The hearing examined the National Park Service’s execution and decision making concerning the federal government slowdown, which began October 1, 2013. After the hearing, Rep. Gosar issued the following statement:

 The House Natural Resources Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, both of which Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) is a member, held a joint hearing today entitled “As Difficult As Possible: The National Park Service’s Implementation of the Government Shutdown”. The hearing examined the National Park Service’s execution and decision making concerning the federal government slowdown, which began October 1, 2013. After the hearing, Rep. Gosar issued the following statement:

“For ten days, the Park Service refused to work with our local governments and businesses to keep these important economic drivers operating. Our state agencies offered to shoulder the burden of management, and our local governments offered to chip in their scant dollars. But instead of working with us to alleviate some of the burdens, the Administration actually spent time and money to further inconvenience our constituents. The fact that today's hearing was necessary goes to show the lengths the Obama Administration will go for political gain. Americans, specifically our veterans, deserve better.”

On October 1, 2013, President Obama ordered all National Parks closed due to the government slowdown. Since that time, 83 percent of the federal government has been operating. The House of Representatives passed a full funding bill for National Parks on October 2, a bill that the Senate refused to vote upon, thus resulting in the closure of the parks. Arizona is home to 24 facilities managed by the National Park Service. The Grand Canyon alone draws about 18,000 people a day who spend approximately $1 million per day in the local economy.

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