Congressman Mullin Votes for Water Infrastructure Reform

The House overwhelming passed WRRDA with strong bipartisan support by a vote of 417-3. WRRDA brings unprecedented reform through cutting the red tape of federal regulation and clearing the path for increased efficiency and competition in our nation’s water infrastructure system.

Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) today voted in favor of H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013 (WRRDA).

The House overwhelming passed WRRDA with strong bipartisan support by a vote of 417-3. WRRDA brings unprecedented reform through cutting the red tape of federal regulation and clearing the path for increased efficiency and competition in our nation’s water infrastructure system.

“Our water infrastructure is linked to the health of our economy,” said Congressman Mullin. “If we do not have adequate infrastructure, we cannot move our commerce and we cannot protect our jobs. Oklahoma’s water infrastructure alone plays a critical role in global competition. With the McClellan–Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS), Oklahoma is connected to the rest of the nation and the world.”

Mullin added that WRRDA allows the books to be cleared of previously authorized funding for projects that are old and unwarranted, and redirects these funds towards critical infrastructure needs.  Additionally, WRRDA increases efficiency through consolidation and hard deadlines of Corps of Engineers studies.

Directly involved in the private sector himself, Congressman Mullin went on to discuss the impact WRRDA will have on American jobs.

“WRRDA not only means an empowered economy with less federal regulation, but it also means jobs for our fellow Americans,” said Mullin. “As a member of Congress who is actually creating jobs in the private sector, this is huge. Thirteen million jobs depend on water infrastructure.  WRRDA is pro-business legislation that will partner with the private sector and result in greater efficiency and accountability.”

In the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman Mullin worked alongside his fellow members in a bipartisan effort to bring about significant reforms.

“Congressman Mullin has been an essential part of the WRRDA process," said House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster. "He provides a common sense, bipartisan approach as well as insight from a business perspective. Congressman Mullin is committed to true reform and it has served the committee well to have him on board."

Additional information on WRRDA compiled by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure can be found at

To hear Congressman Mullin’s remarks regarding WRRDA, visit  


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