Cramer to EPA Administrator: Brick Industry Needs Reasonable Standards, Not Unwarranted Burdens

BISMARCK, N.D. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer called on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy to protect the brick industry from potentially onerous new regulations being developed by her agency. In a letter to Administrator McCarthy, Cramer said the EPA should place a high priority on public health while minimizing unnecessary regulatory burdens on brick manufacturers, distributors, and communities.

BISMARCK, N.D. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer called on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy to protect the brick industry from potentially onerous new regulations being developed by her agency. In a letter to Administrator McCarthy, Cramer said the EPA should place a high priority on public health while minimizing unnecessary regulatory burdens on brick manufacturers, distributors, and communities.

The EPA intends to publish a new Maximum Achievable Control Technology rule for the brick industry, known as the brick MACT, in December of 2014. The industry has spent over $100 million on compliance with the 2003 version of this rule.

“This “brick MACT” could jeopardize the economic vitality of brick manufacturers and distributors in our states and imperil  hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide,” wrote Congressman Cramer and his colleagues. “We respectfully request that EPA use this time to take the steps necessary to promulgate a rule which protects public health and the environment, but does not impose unwarranted burdens on significant portions of the brick industry.”

“As a smaller manufacturer, the proposed rules would put the future viability of Hebron Brick into question,” saidJeff Laliberte, President of Hebron Brick Company. “Despite the economic downturn, we are doing well thanks to the boom North Dakota is experiencing. In fact, we are expanding our facility to manufacturer a new thin veneer product. We will add several jobs to our facility and bring revenue to North Dakota from all over the US and Canada. We are doing this despite the anti-business climate coming out of Washington and the uncertainty that comes with it. We support Congressman Cramer in his efforts to battle what's happening in Washington.”

Member Letter to EPA on Brick MACT 11-6-13.pdf

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