Rep. Young Joins Growing Support for Fishery Disaster Relief

WASHINGTON, DC – Alaskan Congressman Don Young today joined 38 members of Congress in signing a bipartisan letter urging leadership in both the House and Senate to include fishery disaster relief in the final funding package for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014. The bipartisan coalition from coastal states across the country emphasized the devastating impacts fisheries disasters have had on coastal communities over recent years, and why these federally declared disasters should not be overlooked.

Alaskan Congressman Don Young today joined 38 members of Congress in signing a bipartisan letter urging leadership in both the House and Senate to include fishery disaster relief in the final funding package for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014. The bipartisan coalition from coastal states across the country emphasized the devastating impacts fisheries disasters have had on coastal communities over recent years, and why these federally declared disasters should not be overlooked.

“Alaskans rely heavily on fish for basic survival – especially those in living on the Yukon River, Kuskokwim River and Cook Inlet,” said Representative Don Young. “When disaster strikes, it can come in many forms, even fisheries disaster. We owe it to the people of Alaska, and those affected by similar disasters across the country to include federal relief for authorized disasters that have not received appropriations.”

In the attached letter, Congressman Young and the 37 co-authors wrote:

Since 2012, the Department of Commerce declared a number of fishery failures in the United States. Regrettably funding has not been appropriated yet to deal with the effects of these disasters, which continue to affect communities in our states and districts. Indeed, while the Senate Appropriations Committee has included $150 million for fishery failures in the FY 2014 Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) appropriations bill, funds have not been enacted into law to address the full spectrum of disaster needs.

The 2012 federally declared disasters addressed in the letter are:

·         Alaska Chinook – On September 12, 2012, a federal fisheries disaster was declared for Alaska Chinook salmon fisheries in the Yukon River, Kuskokwim River and Cook Inlet. 

·         Mississippi Oyster and Blue Crab – On September 12, 2012, a federal fisheries disaster was declared for commercial oyster and blue crab fisheries in Mississippi. 

·         Northeast Multispecies Groundfish Fishery – On September 13, 2012, a federal fisheries disaster was declared for Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York. 

·         Superstorm Sandy fisheries impacts – On November 16, 2012, a federal fisheries disaster was declared for New Jersey and New York due to the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy. 

·         Florida Oysters – On August 12, 2013, a federal fisheries disaster was declared for the oyster fishery along the west coast of Florida.

In addition to both Senators Murkowski and Begich, the bipartisan letter was also signed by 17 additional U.S. Senators and 18 U.S. Representatives.


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