Carmer: House Names Water Bill Conferees

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced the House of Representatives named its members of the conference committee which will merge the Water Resources Reform & Development Act of 2013(WRRDA) with the Senate’s version.

 Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced the House of Representatives named its members of the conference committee which will merge the Water Resources Reform & Development Act of 2013(WRRDA) with the Senate’s version.

“The advancement to conference committee is encouraging. The cornerstones of this bill, flood protection and a more efficient federal government, are shared by both parties and I am optimistic the conferees will find many agreements,” said Cramer.

WRRDA authorizes a final feasibility study for the F-M Diversion, deauthorizes $12 billion in infrastructure projects to offset $8 billion in new projects, sets deadlines on the time and cost of federal studies, and addresses the lack of communication seen between the Corps and the general public during the 2011 Missouri River flood by requiring public notice of any runoff expected to be damaging to life or property.

The House passed the companion appropriations bill to WRRDA on July 6, and awaits Senate consideration. A Cramer amendment in the bill blocks the Army Corps of Engineers from charging Missouri River users for water, specifying funds made available in the Act may not be used to establish a fee for surplus water from Missouri River reservoirs including Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe.

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