Rep. Lamborn's Jobs & Energy Bill Heads to the House Floor

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives is expected to consider a bill introduced by Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05), H.R. 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act of 2013. This legislation would protect and expand onshore American energy production and create new American jobs by streamlining government red-tape and regulations. Lamborn introduced this bill in May and has been working to ensure its consideration ever since.  After consideration in the natural resources committee, four additional bills were added to the Lamborn bill. Lamborn, who chairs the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee will be leading the debate for House Republicans when this bill is considered on Tuesday.

“In recent years we have seen a boom in energy jobs and economic growth on state and private lands. I believe the only reason we haven’t seen that same dynamic growth on federal lands is because of excess regulations. My bill would reduce the federal red tape and frivolous lawsuits that act as stumbling blocks to job creation and energy development. My bill would help American families with jobs and affordable prices at the pump. It’s time we return to common sense policies that will help struggling Americans dig out of the financial mess that is the Obama Economy,” said Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

Additional details on H.R. 1965 can be found here.

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