Gardner: Bipartisan coalition of 117 House Members and 22 Senators push to extend 2011 energy efficiency initiative in federal buildings

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO), Rep. Peter Welch, (D-VT), Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Sen. John Boozman (R-AR), joined by 117 House colleagues and 22 Senate colleagues, are calling for a 5-year extension of President Obama’s federal buildings energy efficiency initiative. 

In 2011, the President kicked off a 2-year initiative to achieve $2 billion in energy savings in federal buildings. The bipartisan, bicameral coalition of legislators is calling on the President to continue the successful use of performance contracting in federal facilities by launching a 5-year, $5 billion extension of the 2011 initiative.

The 2011 executive order employed the use of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESCs) to achieve energy savings in federal buildings. Under an ESPC or UESC, an energy services company or a utility negotiates a contract with a federal agency that specifies the amount of energy savings it will achieve through retrofits and other measures. The company or utility is then paid for its performance out of the savings it achieves rather than through appropriated funds. 

The federal government spends over $6 billion annually on energy use in federal facilities.

Rep. Gardner, Rep. Welch, and Senator Coons have introduced legislation (H.R.2689 and S.1308) to advance the use of ESPCs and UESCs in the federal government that mirrors the expansion proposed in the coalition’s letter to the President.

The legislators point out in their letter that the 2011 initiative has led to “a substantial increase in federal facility upgrades carried out by private-sector entities without any upfront cost to the taxpayer … There is still substantial potential for achieving more savings and the success of the past two years’ effort has created important momentum that should now be continued.”

117 House Members, including 70 Democrats and 47 Republicans, have signed onto the Gardner-Welch letter which can be read here. 22 Senators, including 16 Democrats and 6 Republicans, have signed the identical Coons-Boozman letter which is still open for signatures in the Senate.

The following Representatives and Senators have signed the Gardner-Welch-Coons-Boozman letter to date:



Rep. Mark Amodei

Sen. Chris Coons

Rep. Andy Barr

Sen. John Boozman

Rep. John Barrow

Sen. Ron Wyden

Rep. Marsha Blackburn

Sen. Rob Portman

Rep. Earl Blumenauer

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Rep. Bruce Braley

Sen. Lamar Alexander

Rep. Paul Broun

Sen. Tom Udall

Rep. Julia Brownley

Sen. John Hoeven

Rep. Vern  Buchanan

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen

Rep. Cheri Bustos

Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Rep. Lois  Capps

Sen. Brian Schatz

Rep. Tony Cardenas

Sen. Jim Inhofe

Rep. Matt Cartwright

Sen. Al Franken

Rep. Judy Chu

Sen. Jeff Merkley

Rep. Howard Coble

Sen. Mark Begich

Rep. Mike Coffman

Sen. Martin Heinrich

Rep. Steve Cohen

Sen. Ed Markey

Rep. Doug Collins

Sen. Richard Blumenthal

Rep. Gerald  Connolly

Sen. Chris Murphy

Rep. John Conyers

Sen. Robert Menendez

Rep. Jim Cooper

Sen. Jack Reed

Rep. Rodney Davis

Sen. Dick Durbin

Rep. John Delaney

Rep. Rosa DeLauro

Rep. Jeff Denham

Rep. Charlie Dent

Rep. Donna Edwards

Rep. Renee Ellmers

Rep. Anna Eshoo

Rep. Sam Farr

Rep. Stephen Fincher

Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick

Rep. Bill Flores

Rep. Trent Franks

Rep. Cory Gardner

Rep. Chris Gibson

Rep. Phil Gingrey

Rep. Paul Gosar

Rep. Tim Griffin

Rep. Raul Grijalva

Rep. Brett Guthrie

Rep. Ralph Hall

Rep. Richard Hanna

Rep. Denny Heck

Rep. Jim Himes

Rep. Rush Holt

Rep. Mike Honda

Rep. Jared Huffman

Rep. Randy Hultgren

Rep. Lynn Jenkins

Rep. Pitts Joseph

Rep. Bill Keating

Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy, III

Rep. Derek Kilmer

Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Rep. Anne McLane Kuster

Rep. Jim Langevin

Rep. Barbara Lee

Rep. Zoe Lofgren

Rep. Alan Lowenthal

Rep. Dan Maffei

Rep. Jim Matheson

Rep. Doris Matsui

Rep. Michael McCaul

Rep. Betty McCollum

Rep. Jim McDermott

Rep. Jim McGovern

Rep. Mike McIntyre

Rep. David McKinley

Rep. George Miller

Rep. Jim Moran

Rep. Mick Mulvaney

Rep. Patrick Murphy

Rep. Richard Nolan

Rep. Alan Nunnelee

Rep. Bill Owens

Rep. Frank Pallone

Rep. Bill Pascrell

Rep. Erik Paulsen

Rep. Ed  Perlmutter

Rep. Scott Peters

Rep. Pingree Pingree

Rep. Mark Pocan

Rep. Jared Polis

Rep. Bill Posey

Rep. David Price

Rep. Mike Quigley

Rep. Charlie Rangel

Rep. Reid Ribble

Rep. Raul Ruiz

Rep. Tim Ryan

Rep. John Sarbanes

Rep. Jan Schakowsky

Rep. Kurt Schrader

Rep. Robert "Bobby" Scott

Rep. Carol Shea Porter

Rep. Mike Simpson

Rep. Krysten Sinema

Rep. Jackie Speier

Rep. Lee Terry

Rep. John Tierney

Rep. Paul Tonko

Rep. Niki Tsongas

Rep. Fred Upton

Rep. Chris Van Hollen

Rep. Greg Walden

Rep. Jackie Walorski

Rep. Henry Waxman

Rep. Daniel Webster

Rep. Peter Welch

Rep. Ed Whitfield

Rep. Roger Williams

Rep. Joe Wilson

Rep. Frank Wolf

Rep. Steve Womack

Rep. John Yarmuth

Rep. Todd Young

The letter is backed by a broad and diverse coalition of groups including:


AO Smith Corporation

Alliance for Industrial Efficiency

Alliance to Save Energy


American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

Boulder County Board of County Commissioners

Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)

Conservation Services Group (CSG)



Digital Energy & Sustainability Solutions Campaign (DESSC)

Energy Future Coalition

Environment America

Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)

Federal Performance Contracting Coalition (FPCC)


Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC)

Institute for Market Transformation (IMT)

Johnson Controls

National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO)

National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

National Grid

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)


Northeast Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC)

Schneider Electric


Sierra Club

Trane/Ingersoll Rand

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Green Building Council


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