Daines Hydropower Bill Passed By House Without Opposition

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Daines’ legislation to expand hydropower production in Montana was today passed without opposition by the full U.S. House of Representatives. Daines’ bill now moves to the U.S. Senate for consideration.

 Congressman Steve Daines’ legislation to expand hydropower production in Montana was today passed without opposition by the full U.S. House of Representatives. Daines’ bill now moves to the U.S. Senate for consideration.

“Hydropower is a clean, renewable source of energy, and finding innovative ways to develop this resource is an area where most of us can agree,” Daines stated today while introducing his bill on the House floor.“With my legislation, our irrigation systems can also power our homes and businesses. Additionally, this bill will help provide revenues to improve critical infrastructure for farmers and ranchers who rely on these systems.”

Click here to view video of Daines’ remarks

Click here to download video of Daines’ remarks

“In Montana, balancing energy development with responsible stewardship of our resources is the way we do business in Montana,” Daines continued.“A diverse energy portfolio helps keep electricity prices low for Montana families and creates jobs.  Hydropower is an important part of that puzzle. And my bill will help us get there.”

H.R. 1963, the Bureau of Reclamation Conduit Hydropower Development Equity and Jobs Act, removes outdated federal statutes that currently prevent irrigation districts in Montana and other western states from developing hydropower on Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) canals, ditches, and conduits.

There are 11 projects nationwide that would be immediately impacted by Daines’ bill, four of which are in Montana. The Montana projects include the Buffalo Rapids Project, Intake Project, Milk River Project and Missoula Valley Project (a map and full list available here).

Additionally, Daines’ bill, in combination with H.R. 678— the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act, which this year passed through the House with overwhelming bipartisan support— could lead to development of at least 32 conduit hydropower sites on BOR conduits, many in Montana.

Daines’ bill has received strong support and consensus from Montana irrigation districts and ag groups, as well as the Obama administration, which also expressed its support for Daines’ bill during a May 2013 hearing.

Support for Daines’ Legislation

Mike Carlson, Manger of Buffalo Rapids Buffalo Rapids Irrigation Project: “I thank Congressman Daines for his leadership on this issue. The Congressman’s bill provides an important opportunity for small irrigation producers to provide clean energy to our communities and receive some support for us to continue and improve our services to our farmers.”

Linda Church Ciocci, Executive Director of the National Hydropower Association: “Throughout the West, particularly on the federal system, tremendous untapped renewable hydropower potential is available from existing man?made structures such as irrigation canals and other water conveyances. H.R. 1963 helps to unlock these projects, and in doing so will provide affordable, reliable renewable energy from hydropower to localities across the West. These projects will also be a source of good paying jobs and bring additional economic opportunities to our nation’s rural communities.”

Dan Keppen, Executive Director of the Family Farm Alliance: “If passed, this legislation would complete the policy of promoting the development of clean, renewable hydropower at all Reclamation conduits at no cost to federal taxpayers, while providing additional power supplies to the grid and lowering energy costs for consumers… We support H.R. 1963 and believe it will reduce costs to foster more conduit hydropower at federal facilities and empower local water districts to develop this generation.”

Thomas F. Donnelly, Executive Vice President of the National Water Resources Association: “H.R. 1963 works to comprehensively streamline the hydropower permitting process. H.R. 1963 will create tremendous incentives for not only the Bureau but for the irrigation districts and water user associations that manage many of these facilities to move forward on small hydropower development. We applaud your leadership and strongly support your legislation.”


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