Congressman Young Moves Marine Debris Legislation Forward to Protect Alaskan Waters

Washington, D.C. - Alaskan Congressman Don Young today applauded the unanimous passage of two bills from the House Natural Resources Committee that would allow impacted states like Alaska – with more than 44,000 miles of coastline – to receive direct grants from funds donated by the Japanese government in the wake of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, in addition to streamlining the current grant process for marine disasters considered to be “severe.” Congressman Young was the lead Republican sponsor of both bipartisan bills, H.R. 1491 and H.R. 1425, which both successfully passed the committee with amendments he offered.

Alaskan Congressman Don Young today applauded the unanimous passage of two bills from the House Natural Resources Committee that would allow impacted states like Alaska – with more than 44,000 miles of coastline – to receive direct grants from funds donated by the Japanese government in the wake of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, in addition to streamlining the current grant process for marine disasters considered to be “severe.” Congressman Young was the lead Republican sponsor of both bipartisan bills, H.R. 1491 and H.R. 1425, which both successfully passed the committee with amendments he offered

“Today we unanimously sent two bills to the full House that would help coastal communities in Alaska and in other affected areas with the cleanup of marine debris hitting our shores,” said Congressman Don Young. “As the people of Japan still recover from their earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the United States must brace for what could be years more of waste and debris. This legislation gives organizations and coastal communities the tools to continue the arduous cleanup process, while also improving the response capabilities for future events.”

H.R. 1425 would allow a priority process for grants addressing severe marine debris events, including those likely to introduce marine invasive species.  Additionally, H.R. 1425 would allow governors to request the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator to make a severe marine debris determination.

H.R. 1491 would allow the Administrator of NOAA to use funds, provided to the U.S. from the Government of Japan, to address debris related to the March 2011 tsunami as grants to any State, locality or tribal government effected by the marine debris event. Furthermore, H.R. 1491 would give NOAA the authority to repay States for past costs of debris removal efforts.

In addition to helping pass into law H.R. 1171, the Marine Debris Act Amendment of 2012, Congressman Young has led a continued effort (watch video of Congressman Young speaking on the House floor) to bring awareness to the crisis in our oceans that is affecting Alaska’s fisherman and countless coastal communities. Today’s passage of H.R. 1491 and H.R. 1425 is the next step in funding additional marine debris cleanup in a timely manner.


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