Cramer: Conservation Compliance Linkage Would Put Crop Insurance at Risk

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer reiterated his opposition to forcing farmers into conservation compliance in order to qualify for crop insurance. Cramer is supported in his stance by 12 North Dakota farm organizations who this week sent a joint letter on the subject to the four lead conference committee negotiators.

 Today Congressman Kevin Cramer reiterated his opposition to forcing farmers into conservation compliance in order to qualify for crop insurance. Cramer is supported in his stance by 12 North Dakota farm organizations who this week sent a joint letter on the subject to the four lead conference committee negotiators.

“North Dakota farmers continue to tell me if conservation compliance is a condition of participation in the crop insurance program, they will have no choice but to drop their crop insurance. If this happens, the program may become actuarially unsound due to lack of participation. Rates could also increase dramatically, making crop insurance unaffordable for those who remain in the program,” Cramer said. “Farmers are already required to meet conservation standards if they choose to receive assistance through commodity, conservation, or credit programs.”

Cramer helped fend off an amendment to the House farm bill which would have linked crop insurance to compliance with conservation programs for the first time since 1996. The two programs are coupled only in the Senate farm bill.

“It is critical we finish the farm bill this year, and equally important to ensure it contains policies which will actually work for farmers,” added Cramer.

Since entering Congress, Cramer has worked for passage of a farm bill with the right provisions for producers and consumers, and is advocating for key components important to North Dakota during the conference committee process.

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